214 An 9atpoftion (if Cuñ r. II might(uffir. Iftheyexprefihis minoration it felt,thenthe end of is contained only in the clofe oftheverte, that be might tafleefdeath for everyman. In which expofrtioa of the words, the fenfe would be, that he ffered death, that by the grace of God he might tafle death, which is no fenfe at all. 3. Ifshaft words denote only the means qr meritorious carafe of the Exaltation ofChrift, I enquire what is the medium intended of that end in theclofe,$trms x (pt 1, that beby thegrade ofGod be mighttafle death. The word Sams, that fo, plainlyrefers unto Come preparatory meanspreceding, which in this way canbe nothing, but,the crowning him withglory andhonour, which we know was not the means, but the offll ofit. He was humbled, not exalted, that he might raffe of death. 4. The Apoftle doth not meerly take it forgranted, that Jefas was for a little while made lefr than the Angels, but afferts it as proved in the teílimony infitted on; whereunto he fubjoyns the end ofthat his comparative minorativn, becaufe he intended it as the efpecial fubjed ofhis enfuingdifcourfe. This therefore is the im- portance and natural order of the words, But wefie jefus crowned with glory andho- nour, whowas for a little while made lower than the Angelsfir the feffering of death, that he by the grace ofGod might raffe deathfer every man. And the only reafan ofthe tranf- pofition of the wordsconfi(teth in the Apoftles following the order ofthe thingste- itified unto by the Pfalmiff; firft his Humiliation, then his Exaltation ; and yet ,con- neding that which he would next treat ofunto that which ,wasfirft laid down, palling by the other as now futficiently confirmed. Thirdly, The general deign ofthe-words, and their order being cleared, we (hall open them in particular, feeing that betides the application ofthe teftimony of the Pfalmiit unto theLord jefits nowvindicated, there is an affertion in them, containing that which of all other things was ofmolt difficult acceptation with the Jews; upon theaccount whereof theApoftle confirms it with many reafons in the verfis following, to the end of. this.Chapter. And indeed we have here the Jum ofthe goffzl, and the Doctrine ofit, concerning the PerfonandOffice of the Mefhah, afferted and vindi- cated from the prejxdicate opinions of,many of the Jews, under thefe two heads. I. Thatthe falvation and deliverance that God had promifed.and intended to ac- complifh by the Meffah, wasfiritual and eternal, from death, fin, Sathan, and hell, ending in rverlaffingglory ; not temporal and carnal with refped unto the world, and the concomitants of it in this life, as they vainly imagined. 2. That thisÇalvation couldbe no otherwife wrought nor brought about, but by the Incarnation Suffering and death ofthe Meffah, not in efpecial ; by Arms, War, and mighty Power, as the People was of old led intoCanaan under the conduct of JoJhua the Captain ofthat falvation, and as fome of themexpeled .yet to be faxed and delivered by the Meffeab. Now the Apoflle ftrengthning his difcourfe by multiplicityofreafons and arguments, hedoth not only in thefe words apply kis teftimony to what he had before propo- fed, unto confirmation, namely the fubjetiion of the world to comeuntoCbrifI, but alto lays in itthe fprings ofthofe two other Principles which we have mentioned, and whole proofand confirmation in thenext verles he purfues. Sundry things, as we havepartly feen, are contained in the words ; as firfì, the Exinanition and Humiliation of Chrift; We fie Jefus for a little while made lower, and brought into a more indigent condition than theAngels are, or ever were obnoxious unto. a. The general end ofthat Exinanition and Depreflion of,3efus, it was that he mightfufer death. 3. His Exaltation unto Power and Authority over all things, in particular the world to come ; crownedwithglory and honour. q.. A numerous Amplifi- cation fubjoyned, of the end of his deprefion, and the death that it tended unto. a. From the Caufeofit, theGrace ofGod. x. The Nature ofit, he was to tafle ofdeath. 3. The Endofit, it was for others. And, q. its extent, for all. That heby the grace of God might tafle deathfar all. s. Ter A; Pi for dual, an Adverfative, intimating the introduction of one fingular perfòn in oppofition to bimor them fpòken ofin theendof the fore-going verfe, We fienot allthings put under bitfeet, ( which fome againft the whole context apply unto Chritt ) but we fee.3efes. Had thefameperfoon been fpoken of in both vertes, the ex- preflion would have been, dorar Ai, but wefee him; but a newAntecedent being here introduced, butwe feeJefus, another perfin is fubftituted as thefubjet fpoken of; as the Syriackverfion declares, we fee him, that itis Jefus. How and in what fenfe he wes made lower than the Angels bath been declared it opening the words, as they lie in the agóeeoas, comprized in that teftimony of th e Pfalmift. Only it may be enquired whether this Exinanition ofChrift, or Minoratio n Tór `in