V it n.: 5,6,7,8,9. Epifiletothe LI s, s zw s. 235 in refped of Angels, did confrfimeerly in his Incarnation .and ,participation ofHu- mane Nature, which in general is ,efteemed beneath Angelical; or in the mifàry and anxiety which in that nature he conflicted withal'. And the Apoltle feems not ab- folutely to intend theformer : r. Becaufe he fpeaks of 3efus as the fubjeét of this Minoration ; now that name denotes the Son of God as Incarnate, who is fuppofed fo tobe, whenhe is Paid to be made leßthan theAngels. a. Becaufe the Humane Nature in the very inftant of its union unto thePerfon of that Son ofGod, was abiólutely ad- vanced above theAngelical, and might have immediatelybeen poffeffed ofGlory, if otherworks in it hadnot been to beperformed. And yet neither doth it intend the tow condition wherein he was placed exclufively to his Incarnation, though that be afterwards (verje 14.) particularly fpoken unto, but his being //neonate andbrought forth, and in that condition wherein he was expofed tojufring, and fo confequently to death it felf. And thus was he made leßthan Angels inpart, in that nature which he affumed, he was obnoxious unto all the infirmities which attend it, as Hunger, Thitfl, Weatinefs, Pain, Sorrow, Grief; and expofed unto all the miferies from without, that any perfon partaker of that nature, is 6/maxim unto ;. and in fumme, death it felt, from all whichmiferies Angelsare exempted. This wefee, know, and grant tohave been theJlate andcondition of yefus. But, faith he, this was but fora little while, dating his converfation with us on theearth, endingat hisdeath: The Apoftle knew, that he had now fixed upon that Which ofall things the Jewsfnoft humbled at ; thelow and mean defpilcd condi- tion ofJefus, they having inveterate prejudicate opinions ofanother manner of flare and condition for the McJJiab; wherefore he immediately fubjoyns the end why he was humbled into this condition, which he hell explains, and then vindicates the neceffityof it. . The end then is, adOiva T& aavdT,, the Miring ofdeath; he was fo humbled that he IIdo,,, might fuffer death: This yet moredifpleafed the Jews, the necellity whereof he iavdr . therefore immediatelyproves. Adding by theway, 3. To complete the application of the teftimony produced, his Exaltation upon his fuffering, he wascrowned withglory and honour, referring us to the teftimony it felt; to declare what was contained in that Exaltation, namely an abfolute'Dominion over all things, -God only excepted, and fo confequendy over the world tocome, that was not put in fobjeétion to Angels. And in theft words the Apottle clofeth his ar- gument for the excellency ofChrift above the Angels, from the fubjedion ofall things unto him ; and proceeds to the amplificationof that kind ofthe Humiliation of Chrift which hehad beforeintimated; and that in four things. r. In the impulfiveand efficient cattle, which in the a' tì of God's will are coincident; J.rms xcteiv 3 ll. "Onto for I'm, denoting the final caufe of what was before afferted, relating to the wholeclaufe following. That which ishere called xdess a ?, the grace of God,is elfe-where explained by ororíeot', xatis T"s li? t armíeo&, Tit. a. tt.the iavinggrace ofGod. And fometimes it is termedhis xrnsírns and m,ra,Ogmwia, chap.3.4. laisGoodnefs,Ifindneß,Benignity,and love ofmanl¿ind, abfolutely his áyáan, job. 3. 16. Rom. 5.8.1 yob. 3.8, 9. Love, intenfe love ; álfo his t,, usia, Ephef. i.5. his good- pkafure, from the riches ofhis grace, verfi s. and his e,p6Beses, verje 9. Rom. 8.28. orpurpofeofhit will, being the fame with hisariyvaots and iitnmtwfilc, Rom. 8.29, 3o. Iris pro-defignation and predeflination ofmen unto Grace and Glory. From all whichit appears what this xdat, orgrace of God is, that was the moving and impulfive caufeof the deathof Chriff , even thegracious free fovereign Purpofe of the Will of God, fuited untoand arifng from his natural Grace, Love, Goodnefs, and Benig- nity, Pity, Mercy, Compaffion exerting themfelves therein. It was not out of any anger or difpleafure ofGod againfì Petits, in whom hisfoul was always well pleafed; notoutofany difregard untohim, whomhe defsgned hereby to be crownedwithglory and honour; but out ofhis Love, Kindnefs, and Goodnefs towards others, who could nootherwife be brought unto Glory ss as in the next verfs the Apollle declares,that hethus appointed him to die. Inthe mannerofhis death; yams ye,hemat Savdro, that he Jhould Jaffeofdeath : fo die attoexperience the forrows, bitternefs, and penaltiesof death. To safeof deathis, fait, Really to die; not in appearance or pretence, in opinion or thew, as force fool- 'Wily ofold blafphemed about the deathofChrilt, which could have had no other fruit but aJbadow ofRedemption, a deliverancein opinion. See the phrafes ufed, Mark g. I. a alytdPávroe áavd-, s AA not tafle ofdeath, thatis, not die. And that which is 77,