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C>A P. i 2Ib ednHxpofition.of. the is called, to fie death, job. 8. 51. is called tò tee of death,v. 52. where the Phrafe is applied to the feconddeath, or death eternal. And :it being death which was threat- ned unto thofe for whom he dyed, and which they fhould have undergone ; he really tatted of that death alfo. So Secondly, It is intimated, that there was bitterneff in the death he underwent ; himfeif compares it unto a Cup, whole bitternefs he declares by his averfation from it, confideredabfolutely and without¡ reference unto that hand of the Will of God wherein it was held out unto him, Matti,. 26. 39. which 'a hhiao, or D17, Cup, was his Lot or Portion, P(a1. t6. 4. that which was pre- pared for him by his Father. Andby the fameMetaphor, he calls the Will of Godhis meat, whichhe tatted of in the doingand uiitffering of it. To tafte of death,as -is known., is an Hebraifm. So the Rabbini fpeakBerilh.Rab..fi51 9.11W rumnr i . O12,2 prt ijshi rim az r0 01110í, thefìrft Adam was worthy that he should not tafte of death,.or dye. And it cotnprifeth fomewhat more than meetly to dye ; it expreffeth alfo to findout and experience, what is in death. And 1=4110, is fometimes rendered by yrvrinuv,to know,z Sam 19. 36. And fometimes theSubltantive by,oúreaes,Vnderfianding, yob 12.20. So that Chrift by tailing of death, had experience;, knew what was in death, as threatned unto- finners. He found out and undcrftood what bitternefs was in that Cup wherein it was given him. To which purpofe the Rabbins have a Proverb in Jalkut. Fol.265. ¡t5tuv7111 t )a 7ö pin be-rp i+7N`t pin, he that eatethof the Pot knoweth the tafte f the Meat that it in it. Thus whenAgag thought he he lhould of epe a violent death by the fword, he expreffeth his joy by nlai ß0 "ID, 1 Sam. r 5.32. The bitternefl of death is removedor taken away ; though dye he muff, yet he thought he fhould not raffe the bitternfl of death , or dye by the (word. Thirdly, His Conqueft over death may be alfo intimated inthis Exprellion ; for though the Phrafe, to tafte of death be ufed concerning other Feribnsalfo, yet asapplyed unto Chrift, the event fheweth, that it was only a through ea/le of it that he had, he nei- ther was, nor couldbe detained under the Power of it, Ails 2. z4. and fo is the word to tafte ufed, Chap, 6. 4. of this Epiflle. And thus by the Grace of God,did he taffe of death. TheEndofthis his tailing of death, it was, for others ; aip so,vrla ; of the Ex- tent of this End of his death, expreffed in that word 'wavrò we (hall [peak after- wards ; for the prefent we confider how he dyed =p, for them, for whom he dyed. 6vrit, is either pro, or, fsper, or fupra, for,or above, or over ; the latterfignifcatim belongs not unto this place : As it lignifiés rtà, far, it is ufed fometimes as did, propter ; and with refpe& unto perfons, is as much as alicujus camp, for his fake; or in alienjus gratiam, or bonum ; for his good and advantage; fometimes as ¿cul ; in the lead of ano- ther ; and this is the confiant and inviolable fenle of +:Trieni Greek, pro in Latin, where the fufferingofone for another is expreffed by it. And that alfo is the con- fiant fenfé- of the Hebrew min, when ufed in that cafe. Some Inftanceson each wordwill illufttate our intention. Thus Davidexpreffeth his defire to have dyed in the ffead of Abfolom, that he might have been preferved alive, 2 Sam. 18.33. +nrini]x Into ¡rn 'tJ, erba will grant me to dye; I for thee my Son Abfolom ; that is, in thy ffead, or fo that thou mighteft be alive. So Ifs. 43.4. And by that word is Rill expreffed the fucceedingof one-to another in Government, or reigning in theflead of him that deceafed, t Kings. 7. Chap. 19. 16. 2 Sam. so. s. And in general, ail, dren fucceeding in the place and roomof their Fathers, Numb. 2. t2. So that to dye rain, for another, is to dye in histread, the death he fhould have dyed, that he might live; or in general to be fubflituted in the room and place of another. So when Jehu commanded his Officers to flay the Priefts and Worfhippers of Baal, he tells them, that if any one fhould let any one of them efcape, ít39] nnn 1W .3, bis life Amidgo for bis life, or he fhould dye in his (lead, 2 Kings to. 24. So is ;2uip ufed, Rom. 5. 7. expreffing the ad of an drvid.vx&, one that layes down his life inllead of anthers : as Damon for Pithyas, andNifuo for Eurialus, Me me adfum qui feci. Seer Pet. 1.21. And it is explainedby oivrì, perpetually denoting a fubffitution; whereOppa- fitianca a have no place. See Matth. 2o. 28. Marl{fo. 45 t Tim. 2.6. dvrhurpor. iuy aárrup, pro, alfo, as ,.:44 in this cafeds to be rendered, path no other fignification. So often in the Poet: Knead. 5. Ham tibiEryx meliorem animampro morte paretic Perfolvo- He