1 Ela. 5,6,7,8,9. Epijde to the HE B R. EWS. Be flew the Ox and facrificed it toEryx inJfead ofDares, whowas taken from him. And Mezentius upon the death ofLanfus hisSon, who undertookthe fight withLneas, up- on the wounding of his Father, being (lain himfelf; Tantane me tenuit vivendi nate voluptat, Vt pro me boffin paterer fuccederedextre, glemgenui? tuane bec genitor per vulnerafervor, Morte tuâvivant. Pro me, in my (lead. And of Palinurus by whofe death the ten of his companions efcaped, Vnum pro maids dabitur capta. So the Comtedian 17 Verberibus cefum to Dave inprifitutm dedamof; ad necem ; Ea Legeatq; omine, ut,fi inde to exemerim; egopro tomolam grind in thy ffead. AndJuvenal to the fame purpofe of the Decii, Plebeie Deciorum anime, plebeia fuerunt- Nomina; pro totil Legionibus hi tamersdrpro Omnibus auxiliis atgi omni plebe !aline, Suf/iciunt Diis infernis. Theywere accepted in Sacrifice for, or infiead of all the refl. Sodid they exprefs their doing'or fùffering, who call themfelves intodanger in the Read of others, that they might go free ; as thofe whofacrificed themfelves like Meneceus for the fafty of their Countrey ; As Papiniusexpreffes his defign ; 4rmorum fuperi, tuq; ó qui future tanto Indulges mihi Phebe mori, dategaudia Thebis uepepigi, ei toto que fanguine prodigus emi Of which afterwards. In the common con(lantVfe of thefewords then, todye for another, fignifies to dye in his roomandftead; And this the Jews utiderrtood in the ufeof their Sacrificees ; where the life of thebead was acceptedin the (leadofthe life of thefanner. Thus Chrifl tailed of death, halt aao1óa ; he was bytheGrace and Wifdom ofGod fubflitutedas a Me- diator, Surety, deligcoe , in theirffead, to undergo the death which they fhould have undergone, that they might go free, al we (hallfee in the followingVertes. q. This dying of Chrift is laid tobe Writ uav1os. TheWord is either of theMaf- euline or Neuter Gender : andin the latter it teems to have been taken by them, who for gápsrs 5G, read xapis etx ; asforce Syriark Copies do Hill, and Ambrofe adGradi- mmsm, with tome other ofthe Antients, intimating that Chrifl dyed for every thing, God only excepted; alludingit maybe untoEphef.l. to. of whichplace wehave fpoken before. Foe we may not fuppofe itacorruption of the Neffforians, when fame read fä beforetheir dayes ; nor will the Words fo read, give any countenance to theirerror, none affirming that Chrifl dyed any otherwife than in his humane nature; though he who is God, dyed therein. But this conjefture is groundlefs and inconfiftent with the fignificationof the Prepofition east, infitled on ; which will not allow that he be laid todye for any, but thofe in whofeJleadhe dyed, and which therefore in them- felves were obnoxious to death, as he declares, y. 14, 15. flavris then is put 5de mávrav, by an Enallage ofnumber ; the fingular for theplural, for all men ; that is, all thole many fins, whichGod by his death intended to bringuntoglory, v. so. thofe fan= tüfled by him, whom he calls his Brethren, v. tr, 12, and Children given him by God, v. 13. whombydeath he delivers from the fear ofdeath; v. 15. evenall thefeed ofAbraham, v. 16. And thus we hope our whole interpretation of thefe Verfis receives light from, as wellas brings force light unto the Text ; and that we need no Argument to confirm but itsown fuitablenefl throughout to the context and defign of the Apo(tle. That