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tiaó n Expofition of the C RA P. it That wherein divers worthyExpofitors are otherwife minded and differ from us ; i9 the Application of the words of the Pfalm immediately unto the Perfon of Chrift ; they fayare referredunto him only by way of-Allufion. Now though our tionfufficiently confirm and fìrengthen it (elf by its own Evidence ; yet becaufe di- verfe learned menwhofe Judgement is much to be regarded have given another fenfe of the words than that embraced by us , I (hall by fome further con- fiderations confirm that partof our Expofition "which is by themcalled intoQuefti- on ; premifingunto them, for thefurther clearing of the placewhat we grant in refe- rence unto the fenfe by them contendedfor. I. I grant that the Pfalmiffs defign ingeneral is to let forth, the Goodnefs, Kind- nefi, Loveand Care of Godunto mankind ; fo that in thofe words, What is man, and theSon of man, though he principally refpecî' the inftance ofthe Perfon of the Mefah, yet he doth it notexclufively to thenature ofman in others ; but hath a 1pecial regard unto mankind in general in contradiftin6fion unto other outwardly more gloe: rious works of the hands ofGod. But it is the efpecial in(tance of the Perfon cf she Me(Jab,' wherein alone 'he undertakes to make good, his affertion of mankinds Preheminence. t 2. I alfo grant that he path refped unto the Dignity and Honorcollated on the fieft man at his Creation ; not direilly and intentionally as his chieteft- fcope, but by way of Allufion, asitdid prefigure and obfcurely reprefent that great glory and honour, which mankind was to be advanced unto in the Perfon of the Meffiah. That rimarily and directly he, and he alone according to our Expofition , is intended in thePfalm. For, a. That the whole Pfalm is Prophetical ofthe Meßîah, thepaffagesout of it reported in the New Tefament and applyed unto him, do make evident and unqueflionable ; See Matth. 21. 16. I Cor. 15. 27. with this place ; fo that he mull needs be the man, and fon of man therein treated of;-and who alone did make to ceafe the enemy and felf- avenger, v. 2. as theApoflle declares; v. 14, 15. ofthis Chapter. 2.Thegeneral fcopeof the Pfalmwill admit of no other Interpretation; The- Ffalmifl on hiscontemplation of the great glory of God in framing the Heavens and all the hob of them, efpecially thofe which then appeared unto him, falls into an Admiration ofhis Wifdom, Goodnefs and Love in that which was far greater and more excellent, as that wherein his Glory was more exalted, which he rejoyceth and triumphethin,as that wherein hisown,and the intent} ofall others did lye. Now this could not be either the Rare of man, as fallen by fin, which is far enough from amatter of Exultation and joy; nor yet the bate ofAdam ininnocency,inno Priviledge whereof without a Rebitution by Chrifb, have we (hareor intcrefl. 3. There are not any words in the Teftimony that can properly beapplyed unto any other man, or be verified in him; not in Adam at his firft Creation, not in man- kind in general, but only in the inJfance ofthe Perfon ofChilli-. For howwas Adam diminifhed and made lets than Angels, and thereindepreffed from another bate and condition than that he had, or-was due to him; or how can this be faid ofmankind in general, or ofBelievers in a ffrecialfenfe ; And how could this be fpoken of them for a little while, feeing the nature of man in it felt confidered,, is for ever beneath the Angelical. Again, if the ApoillesInterpretation be allowed, that expreffion, be hath put all things under hisfeet, is univerfal, and extends unto all the works of Gods hands, and among them theworld to come ; and ahefe were never put in fubjedion to Adam, nor anyother man, theman Chru lJefus excepted. Aud this allo the Apoble plainly avers, v. 8. So that the Scopeof the Place, Context of Words, and Impor- tanceof the Expreffiondo all direct us unto the liffah, and to him alone. 4.TheVneertainry and mutual contradictions; yea, felf-contradictions ofthe mob who apply thewords ofthe Pfalmii f diredly unto anyother but Chrift, -may ferve further to fix usunto this Interpretation liable tonone ofthofe inconveniences which they caftthemfelves upon. Some would have a datable literal fenfe in the words ; the oneprincipal, relatingunto Adam or man in general; the other left principal or fubor- dinate,refpeding Chrib ; which is upon the matter to affirm that the words haveno fenfe at ail: For thofe words which have not one certain determinate fenfe, . as thofe have not, whichhave two, have indeed no true proper fenCe at all; for their fenfe is their determinate- fignifieation of any thing. Some wouldhave the literal fenfe to refpect mankind in general, and what is affirmed in them robe myffically applyed un- to Chritt. How far this is from truthwe have already declared, by ¡hewing that the Words