ït® tin Expofitfon of the C NA P. I is evidence of a bad, or barréis caufe. Of the like importance is . that whichhe after- wards adds; p. 15. 5uemadmodumautemJefus homoverus, ér naturali conditionaéte- ris hominibus fimillr efe debut; neque enim eerum Servator eft , qu natura &-dii funs& bominer, fed bominum tantuin. For we (hall demonftrate, that it was needful he(honied have aJivine Nature, whowas to fuffer and to fave them, who had only an humane. And if thisman had acknowledged that End and Eft of his fuffering, without which we know it wouldhave been of no advantage unto them for whom he fuffe- red, he all() wouldbelieve the fame. We fay not any thing of the feuleof theJews on this place ofthe Pjalmí. They feem wholly tohave loft the dcfign of the Holy Ghol in it, and therefore in their . accuutomed manner, to embrace fables and trifles. The Talmudip afcribe thofe words, what is man, unto Tome of theAngels, expreffing their envy and Indignation at his honour uponhis HI Creation. The latter Podans, as Kimchi and AbroEzra, make Application of it unto man ingeneral, wherein they are followed by too ma- ny Chriftians, unto whom the Apoftle had been a better guide. But wemay here alto fee what is farther tendered unto us for our Infarutkion : As, . L The Reffiell, Care, Lave and Grace of God unto mankind, exprefd in the Perfon and Mediation of3efus Chriff, is a matter offingular and eternalAdmiration. We have be- fore [hewed from the words of the Pfalmiilf, that fetch in general is the Condefeenfron ofGod, to have any regard of man, confidering the infinite Excellency of the Pro- pertyof his nature, as manifefled in his great and glorious Works. That nowpro- poled followeth from the Apoliles Application of the Pp/mills words unto the Per- fonof Chrilt; and confequently the regardof God unto us, inhis Mediation. And this is fuch, as that the Apoftle tells us, that at the laft day, it shall be his-great Glory that bewillbe admired in all them that do believe, z Theffr.lo. When the work of his Grace (hall be fully perfe&ed in and towards them,'than the Gloryof his Grace an" peareth and is magnified forever. This is that which the Admiration of the Pfalmiff tendsunto, and refis in. That God Mould fo regard the nature of mantas to take it into Union with himfelf in the Perfon of his Son; and in thatnature humbled and exalted to work : out the Salvation of all them that believe on him. There are other wayes wherein the Refpe& ofGod towards man doth appear,even in the effe&s of his HolyWife Providence overhim. Hecaufeth his Sun toflrine,and bis rain to fall upon him,Mat. 5. 45 . He leaver not himfelf without witnefl towards us, in that be doth good, andgives us rainfrom Heaven, and fruitful feafanr, filling our hearts with food andgladnefl, Alls 14. 57. And thefe wayes of his Providence are fingularly. ad- mirable. But this Way of his Grace towards us in the Perfonof his Son, affirming our nature into union with himfelf, is that wherein the exceeding and unfpeakable riches ofhis Glory and Wifdom are made manifeft. So the Apoftle expre(leth it, Ephef. 1. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. He bath that to declare unto them, which be- rank of its Greatnfs, Glory and Beauty they are no way able ofthemfeives to re- ceive or comprehend : And therefore he prayes for them, that they may have the Spirit ofWifdom andRevelation io give them the knowledge of Chrl ;-or that God by his Spirit would make themwife toapprehend, and give them a gracious difcove- ryofwhathe propofeth to them ; as alfo thathereby they may enjoy theblelfed effcd of an enlightned Anderftanding;without which they will not difcern theExcellency of thismatter , and what is it, that they muff thus be helped, alfitled, prepared for to underfand, in any meafure ? What is the Greatnefs, the Glory.of it, that can no otherwife be difcerned ? why, faith he, marvel not at the neceffity of this prepara- tion that which I propofe untoyou is theglory ofGod; that wherein he will prin- cipally be glorified, here and unto Eternity ; and it is theRiches of that Glory; the treafures of it, God hath in other things let forth, and manifefted his Glory; but yet as it were by parts andparcels ; one thing hath declared his Power, another. his Goodnefs and Wifdom; and that in part, with reference unto that particular about which they have beenexercifed. But inthis , he hath drawn forth, difplayed, ma- nife(tedall theRiches and Treafures ofhis Glory, fo that his Excellencies arecapable of no greater Exaltation. And there isalto in this work, the unfpeakable Greatneft of hispower engaged ; that no propertyof his naturemay feem to be unintereffed in this matter. Now whereunto doth all this tend? why it is all to gives bleffed and eternalInheritance untobelievers, unto thehope and expe&ation whereof they are called by theGofpel. Andby what way or means is all this wrought and brought about;