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it$R.çf6,7,%9. Epiffl,e t©QhitgumEWs This Obedience could not be yielded without abody, wherein it was performed ; -and whereas to hear, or tohave the ear opened, is inthe Scripture to be prepared unto obe- dience : the Pfalmiff in that one Exprellion,'Alineear haft thou opened, comprizeth both their; even'that Chriff had a bodyprepared, by a Synechdoche, óf -a part for the whole; and alto in thatbody he was ready to yield obedience unto God in this great work, which could not beaccomplifhed by Sacrifices and Burnt- offerings. And this readi- nefs andwillingnefs ofChriff unto this work is let out under three heads in the etì- fuing words. (t . ) His Tenderof himfelf unto this work ; then laid he, Lo, Icome, in the volumeof thy book it is written of me : This thou hall promifed, this is recorded in the head, beginningof thy book; namely, in that great Promde, Gen. 3. r 5. That the feed of the womanfhould bruife the headof the ferpent ; and now thou hall given me, and preparedme in the fulnefs of time, a Body for that purport, Lo, I come, willing and ready to undertake ir. (2.)hi the flame of his mind, in this engagement ; he entred into it with great delight; I delight to do thy will O my God; he did not de- light in the thoughts of itonly of old, as before; and then grew heavy and forrow- ful when it was to be undertaken : but he went unto ir, with rhearfulnefi and delight; although he knew what arrowand grief it would colt him before it was brought unto perfeoiion. (3. ) From the Principle, whence this Obedience and delight did fpring ; whichwas an univerfal conformity of his Soul, Mind and Will, untothe Law Will and Mind ofGod, thy Law is in my heart, in the midjf of my bowels ; every thing in me is compliant with thy Will andLaw : There is inme an univerfal conformity thereunto. Being thus prepared, thus principled, he confidercd the Glory that wasfit before him, the glory that would redound unto Gad, by his becoming a Captain of falvation, and that would enfue unto himfelf : He endured the Cr f andderpifed theframe, Hen2.2.Hearmedhimfelfwith thofe confìderatious,againtl the hardships and fufferings that he was to meet withall; as the Apoftle advifeth us with the like mind when we are to futfer ; r Pet.4. r. Byall which it appears, that theGood will andLove ofle. Chriff was in this matter of being bumbled and made left than Angels; as the Apoftle fayes exprelly, that he bumbled himfelf; andmade himfelf of no reputation, Phil. 2. 7, 8. as well as it is here Paid, that Godbumbled him, or madehim lets than Angels. Secondly, TheScripture peculiarly aftìgns this work Unto the Loveand Conde - fcenfaon of Chitahimfelf. For although it abounds in fitting forth the Loveof theFa- thee in the deligning and contriving this work,and fending his Son into the world, yet it diredfs us unto the Lord Chriff himfelf, as the next immediate caufe of his engaging intoit, and performance of it. So faith the Apottle, Gal. 2. 1 live by the faith of the SonofGod ; that is, byfaith in him, who loved me, and gave himfelfforme. le was the Love of Chriff that moved him to give himfelf for us; which is excellently ex- ,prelfed in that doxology, Rev. t. 5, 6: To him that loved uì and rvaffied us inhis own 'blood from ourfins, and bathmade us Kings andPrieffs untoGod and his Father, unto him be glory and dominion for ever and ever,Amen. All thiswas the fruit of his Love; and therefore unto him is all Praife and Honour to begiven and afcribed. And fo great wasthis Love ofChrift, that he declined nothing that was propofedunto him. This theApoftle calls his Grace, zCor. 8, q. `Ie Snow the Grace of our Lord Jefus Chriff , that though he .was rich, yet for your fats' es be became poor, thatye through his poverty might be rich. He condefcencled unto a poor and low condition, and to fuffer therein for our good, that we might be made partakers of the Riches ofthe Grace of -God. And this was the love ofthe PerfonofChrift,becaufe it was in,and wrought equally in him, both beforeand after his *minion of our nature. Now the Holy Ghoft makesan efpecial Application of this truth unto' us, as unto one partof qur Obedience, Pbil,2.5. Let this mind be in you, which wasa f in aridJe- fus;-and what that mind was,he declares in the enfuing Verles; layingout his infinite condefeenfionin takingour nature upon him, and fubmitting to all mifery, reproach and death it felf for our fakes. If this mindwere inChriff, fhould not' we endeavour after a Readinefs and Willingnefs to fubmit our felves unto any condition for his glory. Forafmuch, faith Peter,as Chrilfbath fufred for as in the fifi, arm your felves liíZewife with thefame mind, r Pet. 4. r. Many difficulties will lye in ourway,manyReafonings will rife up againft it , if we confult with Alb and blood ; but, faith he, arm your felves with the fame mind that was in Chriff ; get your fouls ftrengthened and fenced by Grace, againli all Oppofitions, that you may follow him, and imitate him. Some that profefs his name, will fullr nothing for him.; if they may enjoy him, or his wayes in peace and quietnefs well and good ; but ifPerfecution arife for the Gofpel; immediately 224