C 2,24 An Expojition ofthe H AP. II. immediately they fall away. Thefe have -neither lot nor portion in this matter. Others, the moll, the belt, have a fecret lothnefl and unwillingnefs to condefeend un- toacondition of troubleand,diarefs for theGofpel. Well, ifwe are unwilling. here. unto ; What doth the Lord Chrift lofeby it ? Will it beany real Abatement of his ho- nour or glory ? Will he lofe his Crown orKingdom thereby ? So far as fuffering. in this world is needful forany of his bleffedEnds and Purpofes ; he will not want them who(hall be ready even to dye for his name fake : But what if he had been Unwilling to behumbled and to fuffer for us ? If the Jame mindhad been in Chrift, as was in us, what had been our fate and condition unto eternity ? In this Grace, Love and Willingnefs of Chrift lyes the foundation of all our Happinefs, of all our De- liverance from miferyandruine ; and (hall wereckon our Celves to have an interejf therein, and yet findour felves altogether unready to a conformity unto him ? Be- tides the Lord Chriftwas really rich whenhe madehimfelfpoor for out fakes; he was in the form ofGod, when he took upon him the form of a fervant, and became for us ofnoreputation; nothingof this was due to him, or belonged untohim, but meerly on our account. But we are in our felves reielry poor, and obnoxiousunto infinitely moremiferies for our ownfms, than what he calls us unto for bis name. Are we unwillingto fuffer a little light traufitory trouble in this world for him, without whole fufferings for us , wemull have fuffered mifery and that Eternal whether we would or no : AndI fpeak not fo much aboutfuffering it felf, as about the mind and frame ofSpirit wherewith we undergo it. Some will fuffer when they cannot avoid it ; but fo unwillinglyCo unchearfuly, as makes it evident, that they aittt at nothing; nor ads fromno Principle,but meerly that they dare not go againfl their Conviti- ons. But the mindthat was in Chrift will lead us unto it, out of Love unto him, with freedom and enlargedneßof heart, which is required of us. II I. The bleffd iffus of the abafement ofnefitsChrijl in his exaltation unto honour and glory, it an affured pledge of the final glory and blefdnefl of all that believe inhim, what ever difficulties and dangers they may be exercifed withal in the way. His Humiliation and Exaltation, as we have feenproceeded out ofGods cendefcenfion and love toman- kind. His Elating Love, the eternal gracious purpofe of his Will to recover loft footers, and to bring them unto the enjoyment of himfelf, was theground of this difpenfation. And therefore what he hath done in Chrift, is acertain pledge of what he will do in and for themalfo. He is not crownedwirb Honourand Glory meerly for himfelf, but that he may be a Captain ofSalvation, and bring others unto a Participa- tion of his Glory. I V. PlusChrift as the Mediator of the NewCovenant, bath abfolute and fupream au- thority givenunto him over all theworks of God in Heaven andEarth. Thiswe have fo fully manifefted and infifted on upon the foregoing Chapter, thatwe (hall not here farther purfue it; but only mind by the way, that blued is the flare and condition, great is the fpiritual and eternal fecurityof the Church ; teeing all things are under thevery feet of its Head and Saviour. V. The LordJefa: Cbriif is theonly Lord of the GoJpelfiaseofthe Church, calledunder the OldTeament the world to come;and therefore he onlyhath Power todifpofe ofall things in it, relatingunto that Worfhipof God which it is to perform and celebrate. It is not put intofubjeilion untoanyother,Angels ormen.This priviledge was referved for Chrift; this honour is bellowed on the Church. He is theonly Head,KingandLaw-giverofit; andnothing is it to be taught to obferveor do, but what be bath commanded. But this will fall more direfkly under our confideration in thebeginning of the next Chapter. VL The Lord JefsesChrhl inhis death did undergo thepanal fentence oftheLaw; . in the room andJleadofthemfor whom he dyed.Death was that whichby the Centenoofthe Law was due Untofn and inners. For them did Chrifi dye , and therein rafted of the bitter- ns of that death which they were to have undergone ; or elfe the fruit of it couldnot have redounded unto them; for what was it towards their difcharge, ifthat which theyhad deferredwas not fuffered ; but fomewhat elfe wherein the lealt part of their concernment did lye. But this being done, certain deliverance and falvation will be the lot and portionof them, of all them for whom he dyed ; and thatupon the ru'.es ofJuftice and righteoufnefson the part ofChrift, though on theirs,ofméer Mercy and Grace. Verfc