VrEa, ïci. Epifile to the Fix Ba Kw t. 21,5 Verfe X THE Apofle in theVerts fore-going made mention ofthat, which ofall other things the Jews generallywere moil ofended at, and which was of the greatelk importance to bebelieved; namely thefairings ofthe Mefiab, whereina great part of the difchargeofhis Sacerdotal Office, whereunto he here makes a Tranfition, did conlift. This his ownDifciplei wereflow in the beliefof, Matth. 16. za. chap. i7.22, 23. Luke 24.,25, z6. and the Jews generally Rumbled at. They thought it Rrange that the Meftab, theSon ofGod, the Savibur of his' people, and Captain of their falvation, concerning whom fo great and glorious things were promifed and foretold, should be brought into a low deJ ifedcondition, and therein to fuller and die. Hence they cried unto him on the Croß, If thou be the Chriig, come down andfave thyfell; intimating that by his fufering he was atluredly proved not to befo; for why any one thouldfit fr that could deliver himfelfthey Cawno reafon. Befides they had inveterateprejudices about the Salvation promifed by the M''ab, and theway wherebyit was to be wrought, anfing from their love and over-valuation of temporal or carnal things, with their contempt of things fpiritúal and eternal They expefied a deliverance outward gloriousand Kingly in this would, and that to be wrought with Arms, .Power, anda mighty hand. And what (hould they expelE from a Meah that fuffered and -died ? Wherefore the Apoffle having atferted the fnferingsof r brill, Caw it neceffary to proceed unto a full confirmation of it, with à declaration of the Reafous, Caufes and Ends of it partly to evert that falfeperfwafion which prevailed amongl them about the natureofthe falvation to be wrought by Chrift ; partly to thew, that nothing would thence enfue derogatory unto what he had before delivered about his prehèminence abòve Angels ; but principally to_infrua them in the SacerdotalOfficeof the Mefftab, the Redemption which he wrought, and the means whereby he accomplithed it which was the great bufinefs that he had defigned to treat with them about. For the .Salvation it felf, he declares that itwas not tobe Of thelathe kind with that which they hadof old, when they were broughtout of Egypt, and fetled in the Land ofCanaan, under the condudt ofJoj ua a butjpiritual and heavenly, in a delivctance from tin, Sathan,deathandhell, with a manudullion into life and bleffednefs eternal. The way whereby this was tobe wrought, he informs them that-it wasto be by thefuferingi and death ofthe Mefah, and that no-other way it could be accomplithed; on which account they were indifpenfiblynecelfary. And the firt reafonhereof heexpreffeth in this tenth verfe: Verle IO. 'ETit7re yv áb744 <Pi ÿr 7á T21,74, ,g JÍi 4eZ Tdt7a, mom); ÿíis kr óÓ,at m141,6rra, 7b. $rxryytv 4 .a7se(tis d.v1ôv d'td aei9opud7av vét,nwaat One or two Copies read Sil aa9ítoerO- duvtr ertté Sat, againl the ferric andde- fign of theplace ; durit isneedlefy repeated, untels put for ixuvev, and then it dilturbs the whole meaningof the verfe, and is inconfiftent with the paffive Verb following in this Reading : rrali oen in the:Po/at number relates onlyunto death, expretfed in the verfe foregoing by .,iûnka savait, á but here All thefufferings Of Chrift, as well thofe antecedent unto death, asdeath it felf are intended: Tsussl st; in thePapïve is followed by fouie Copies of the Vulgar Tranflation, reading' confummari , both in. confutent' with thefeat of the place, asWe that' fee. 7ranflations differ but littleabout thefewords. "F.rpacre ;S dut , moli, Decebat enint 'l nrptay yu eum, For it becánie him. Beza, Decebatenini of ifie; For it wasmeet thathe, to make, the .du7ç. . followingwords flow regularly. of 7v -741 91.d1.7a; ?ropier quern amnia; Syr: 471 11117i cas omnia, for whom are all things. Beza, FropterMum[nit hdc omnia, exprelling the Article asrefridtive to the thingsfpoken of: For whom are allebeti things. One Syriack Copy addes, :tuba, in his hand, which fomewhat corrupts the fink: Kai d'7 .h rá. wdvre, &per quem amnia a Beza, hecomnia, as before, without caufe ; for theArticle.' is frequently prefixed unto vkid; where all things abfolutely are intended i as Ephef, Is i ne By whom are all things ; tool, y`ie do :Star dyayá;7ti : Vulg. &aai mules:filio:.ad glarianá