Z:á Fxpofition of the C H A P. II. Verfe io. For it becamehim for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing manyfuns unto glory, tomake the Captain of their f lvationper_ fell throughfiferings. There is in the words, i. The caufat connetlion unto the Verfe fore-going, for, 2. A defign of God intimated as'thefoundation ofthe difcourfe, which was, to bring manyfans untoglory. 3. Themeans he fixed on forthe accomplifhment of that defign, namely the appointing unto them a Captain oftheirfalvation. 4. The ellecial may of his dedicating himunto that Office, he made him perfetl by fufrings. 5. The rear. .;{ this his proceedingand dealing withhim, it became him f to do. 6. An amplification, reafon, in a defcription of his condition, him for whomare all things, and by whomare all things. Firft, AReafon is rendred in the words, of what he had alferted in the fore-going verfe, namely that .7Os the Meffiahwas to fuffir death, and by the grace of God to talle ofdeath for all ; why he fhould do thus, on what account, what ground ne- ceffity and reafon there was for it, is here declared ; it was fo to be, For it be- came him, &c. Secondly, The Defign ofGod is expreffed in this whole matter, and that was, to bring many fins untoglory. And herein the Apofile declares the nature ofthe falvation whichwas to be wrought by the Meßab, about which the Jews were fo greatlymi- Rakett, and confequently in and about the way whereby it was to be wrought. His purpofe herein was not now tocarry his children into anewCanaan, to bring them into a wealthy country, an earthly Kingdom, whichmull or might have been clone by Might,and Power, and Arms, as ofold ; but his defign towardshis fins in and by the Mefahwas of another tiature ; it was to bringsheen untoglory,. eternal glory with him- felfinheaven; and fo it is no wonder if theway whereby this is to be accomplifhed be quiteofanother nature than that whereby their temporal deliverance was wrought ; namely by the death and fufferingsoftheMepïah himfelf. And here in reference unto this defign ofGod it is fuppofed, r. That fome who were createdfor the glory of God, had by fin come fhort of it ; fo that without ,a new way ofbringing them unto ir, it was impollible thatthey fhould ever be made partakers of it. This is here fuppofed by the Apoftle, and is the foundation of all his Doarine concerning the Mefab. 2. That the way wherebyGod will at length bring them who are defigned unto glory thereunto, is by taking ofthem fish intoa fiate of Sonfhip and Reconciliation with himfelf; theymuff below before they arebrought toglory. There is a double aft of Gods PredeJtination ; the fidt ishis deftgnation offmeuntograce, tobeEons, Ephef. 1. 5. the other hisappointment of thofe Eons unto glory, both to be wrought and accom- plifhed byChrift, the Captain of theirfalvation. The latter, and the execution ofir, namely the bringing ofthole who by grace are madefans, untoglory, is that which the Apo- ftlehere expreffeth. He dealeth not withthe Hebrews in this Epiftle about the con- verftouoftheElea, the traduaiouofthem into a flareof grace andfonghip, but ofthe government of them beingmade fins, and their guidance unto glory. And therefore the/offerings ofChrifi, which abfolutely and in themfelves are thecaufe ofour fonfhip and reconciliation with God, are mentioned here onlyas the means whereby Chrift totted into a condition of leadingfons into glory, oroffaving themwho upon the ac- count ofhis fieffirings ate made foes by grace. But yet this isnot fo precifely refpeaed neither, but that the Apoftle withal( intimates the neceflity ofthe fufrings of Chrift, as to the whole effea ofit towards the Elea. Now therefors thus to be brought unto glory are Paid to be many ; not allabfolutely, not afire, orof the Jews only, which they lookedfor ; butall the EleblofGod, who are many, &v. 7. 9. And this work of bringingmanyfons untoglory, is here fignally affigned by the Apofile unto God the Fa- ther, whofe LoveWifdom and Grace,Believers are principallyto eye in thewhole work oftheir falvation wrought out and accomplifhed by Jefus atilt. This therefore we (hall a little infili upon todeclare the,grounds and reafon, on the account whereof it is fo afcribed unto him, or what a&s are peculiarly affigned unto the Father in this workof bringing many font unto glory ; which will fccure the afcription of it unto him, and therein ourinterpretation of the place. Firft,