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ITER. io. Epi'Belo the H R E t s. zy r. The Eternal defignation of them unto that glory whereunto' they: are : to U- brought, is peculiarly affigned unto him. He predeflinater them to be conformed to the image ofhis Son, Rom. 8. 28, 29, 30. TheGod and Father of our LordJefus Chrifb choofeth let before thefoundation of the world, and predeftinateth us unto the adoption of ebildren by Jefus Chrifi unto himfelf Ephef. t. 3, 4,5. And he hathfiom the beginning chofen usuntofalvation, 2 The 2. 13, 14. And thiselecting love of God, thiseternal' pur- polecif his goodpleafure, whichhepurpofedinhimfef is the fountain and fpringof all other immediatecaujis of ourfalvation. From hence Faith, Alit 13. 45, San2fftcation, a Theff.2. 13. Holinef7, Ephef. 1.4. prefervation in grace, 2 Tim. 2. 19. the death of , Cbriftfor them,job. 3. 16. andfinal glory it felt, 2. Tim. z. to. do all enfue and proceed; fo that on the account hereof, he may be jufily faid to be the Bringer of many fons to glory. 2. He was the fpring and fountain of that Covenant ( as in all other Operations.of the Deity) that was ofoldbetween himfelfand his Son, about the falvation and glory ofthe Elea. See Zech. 6. i3. Ifa. 4a. t. Prov. 8. zo, a ï, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. 'fa. 5b4. chap. 53. 1 i, iz. Pfal. 16. to. Pfal. sao. 1, 6. He in his love and grace is ßi11declared as the Propofer both of the Dutyandof the Reward ofthe Me- diator, the Son incarnate, as the Son accepts ofhis Terms and Propolals, flab. Ió.5, 6, 7, 8. And hence the Intenfenefs ofhis Love, the Immutability pf his Counfel, the Holinefs ofhis Nature, his Righteoufisefs and Faithfulnefs, his InfiniteWifdom, do all thine forth in the Mediation and fufferings of Chrifl, Rom. 3.. 25, 26. chap. 5.8. r Yob.4. 9. Heb. 6. 17,18.Tit. r. a. Rather than his Love fhould not be fatished, and his Counfel aecomplifhed, HeParednot his ownSon, but gave him unto deathforus. 3. He fgnally gaveout the firft Promife, that great foundation of the Covenant of Grace, and afterwards declared, confirmed, and ratified by his Oath, that Covenant whereinall themeans ofbringing the elect unto glory are contained, Gen. 3. 15. Prem. 31. 32, 33, 34. Hob. 8 8. ThePerfon of the Father is confiderèd as the principalAu- thor ofthe Covenant, as the Perfon covenanting and taking us into covenant with himfelf; the Sonas the Meffiah, beingconfdeed as the Surety and Mediator ofit, Hob. 7.22. chap. i. 15. and thePurthafer ofthe Promifesof it: . 4. Hegave andfeet bis Son tobe a Saviour and Redeemer for them, and untothem, fo that in his whole work, in all that hedid and fuffered, heobeyed the Command, and fulfilled the /Fill of the Father. Him did God the Father fend, and:feat, andgive, and fet forth, asthe Scriptureevery where expreffethit. And our Lord Jefus Chaff every, where remits us to the confideration of the Love, Will, and Authority of his Father in all that he did, taught or fuffered, fo feeking the Gloryof God thatfent him. 5. He draws his Eletï, and enables than to come to the Son; tobelieve in him, and fo to obtain life falvation andglory by him. No man, faith our Saviour, can come to me, except theFather whichbathfent me draw him, ,7ob.6. 44. Noman, no not any one of the Ele6 , can come to Chrill,unlefs theFather, in the purfuit of that love from whence it was that he fent the Son, doput forth the efficacy of his grace to enable. him there- unto ; and accordingly hè reveals himunto fome, when he is hidden from others, Matth. 11.25. For the Revelation ofCbrifi unto thefoul is the immediate ad of the Father, Matth. 16. 17. 6. Being reconciledunto them by the bloodofhit lion, he reconciles them unto himfelf, by giving them pardon and forgivenefs offins in and by the Promifes of the Gofpel, without which they cannot come toglory, z Cor. 5. s 8, 19, 20, 21. He B. in Chrifi reconcilingtes unio himfelf, by the non- imputation, or forgivenefs ofour fins, Forgiving us all oar trefpafeo for Chrifi hisfake, Ephef, 4. 32.. There are many things concurring 'unto the pardonof fin, that are peculiar ads of theFather.' 7. Hequickens them and fanfiffes them by hisSpirit, to make themmeet for the inhe- ritance of the Saints in light ; that is, for theenjoyment of glory.. Hethat raj fed up efus from the dead, quickens ut bybit Spirit, Rom: S. 1 t. So Caving us, by the walking ofRe- generation, and renewing of the Holy Ghafi, which he flied on tes richly by Jefus Cbrifi; Tit. 3. 5, 6. This fandificarionand renovation by theHoly Ghoft, and all upplies of açhualgrace, enabling us unto obedience, are every `whereafferted as theGrant and Work oftheFather, who worketh in usboth to will 'and to do ofhis own good. pleafure. 'And fo itiefpecial is theCaving illumination ofour minds, toknow the myftery of his grace, and difcern the things that are of God, a Cor. 4. 6. Col. 2.2. Ephef. 3. 13, 146 1506, 17, IS. Matth.11.25. S. As the Great Father ofthe Family he itdopts them; and makes than his fono;that Bbbb z fo: