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sae G >i sr, An Expoftion ofthe fo he may bring them unto glory : He gives them the power or priviledge to become thefour ofGad, Soh. 1. 11. making them heirs and coheirs with Chrill, Rom, 8. 14., 15, 16,17. fending withall into their heart, the Spirit of adoption, enabling them to cry, Ab a Father, Gal. 4. 6. Thewhole right ofadopting children is in theFather, and fo is the authoritative tranflation of them outof the world and kingdom ofSathan into his own Familyand HouJhold, with their invefliturein all the rightsand, priviledges thereof. 9. He confirms them in Faith, eftablitheth them in Obedience, preferveth them from dangers and oppofitions of all forts, and in manifold wifdom keeps thetn through hie power unto the glory prepared for them ; as zCor.1.21, 22. Ephef. 3. 20, 21. 1 Pet. T. 5. Joh. 77.11. i o. He gives them the Holy Ghoff as their Comforter, with all thofe bleffed and un- fpeakable benefits which attend that gift ofhis, Matth.7. 11. Luke a1. 13. Job. 14, 16, 17. Gal. 4.6. Inbrief, hi bringing the Veil unto Glory, all the SovereignAils of Power, Wifdom, Love and Graceexerted therein, are peculiarly aligned unto the Father ; asall mini- fterial as are unto theSon as Mediator. So that there is no reafon why he may not be faid by the way of eminency to be the .:i7.3.905, the leader or bringer of hiefans unto glory. And herein lies a great direllion untoBelievers, and a great feepportment for their faith. Peter tells us, That by Chriff we do believe in God that railed himfrom the dead, and gave him glory, that our faith and hope might be inGod, t Pet. 1. a I. Jefis Chrilt confidered as Mediator is the next, but not theultimate Objeét of our faith and hope. We fobelieve in him, as by him to believe in God, that is the Father, whole Love is the fupreme fountain and fpringofour falvation ; which the Apofile manifefts in that double inlance of his railing up Christ, andgiving of him glory; thereby declaring him- fell the principal Author of the great work of his Mediation. This he diredtS us unto, fo to believe in Chrift, as that difcerning in and by him the .Grace, Good-will, and Love ofthe Father himfelf towards us, we may be encouraged to fix our faith and hopeon him,Peeingbe himfelf lovethus. So that Chriti himfelf hadno need to pray for the love of the Father unto us, but only for the communication of the ee f ile ofit, joh. t6. 26, 27. And this is the work of faith,when as we are direeced we pray to the Father in the name ofChriff, job. 16. 23, 24. And we thus place ourfaith in God the Father, when we conceive ofhim as the Sovereign Leader ofus untoglory, by allthe inilances before mentioned. And then doth faith find reft in him, delight, compla- cency and fatisfa&ion, as we have elfe-wheredeclared. Thirdly, There is in there words intimated theprincipalmeans that God fixed on for the accomplifhmentof thisdefign of his, for the bringing ofmany fans unto glory ; it was by appointing a Captain oftheirfalvation. The Jews generally granted that the Mef(ah was tobe the Captain oftheirfalvation; but mifunderfianding that falvation, they alto miftook the whole nature of his Office. The Apofile doth here evidently compare him unto f ofhua, theCaptain and Leader ofthe people into Canaan, (ashe had before preferred him abovethe Angels, by whole miniftery the Law was given unto the people inthe wildernefs ) which wasa Type of their falvation, as he farther declares, chap. 4. All thefinsofGod are put underhis conduit and guidance, as the people of old were under the ruleof Jofhua, to bring them into the glory defigned for them, and promifedunto them in the Covenant made withAbraham. And he is called their'Apxoyds, Prince, Ruler and Captain, or Author of theirfalvation, onleveret accounts. s. OfhisAuthority and Rightto rule over them in order' unto their fat- vation ; fo he appeared unto 7ofbna, as ,11rnN7yntu, jofh. 5, 54. TheCaptain of the Lordshoff ; intimating then, that there was another Captain, and other work to do than what Jofhuahad then in hand. The General ofall the People ofGod, as joab was to Ifrael, N5$NU. 2. Ofhis actual leading andConduFofthem byhis Example, Spirit and Grace, through allthe difficulties of their warfare; fo hewas promifed as 1's), Ifa. 55.4. Princeps, Dux, Antece r, dexoyds, a Leader and Commander of the people, one that goes before them for their direótion and guidance, giving them an example inhis own perfon of doing and fuffering the Will of God, and fo entring intoglory. So is he their ttglt4.ufe, Heb. 6. ao. Antecef r, Fore-runner; or as Daniel callshim, l']1 tiltuo, Dan. 9.25. Meffiab the Prince or Guide. 3. As he is unto them 'Arrrly} repro as a'ravíc, as. chap. 5. 9. the Author orCaufe of eternal falvation; he pro- cured and purchafedit for them. So that the expreflion denotes bothhis acquifition offalvation it lelf, and hisConduct or Leading ofthepeopleofGod unto the enjoyment of