23z do Expofition of the C P. I`L and Chap. 2.36. Andfrom there things laft mentioned; of the Lord Clirift being fir Captain of our Salvation, and being dedicated unto that Office by his own: fuffe= rings, it appeareth. Firft, That the whole work of faving the Sons ofGodfrom frrff to loft, their guidance and conduct throughfins and fairing' unto Glory, is committed unto the Lordjefus ; whence he is conflantly to be eyed by believers in all the concernments of their Faith, Obe- dience and Confolation. Behold, faith the Lord, I have given biro for a witnefl to the' people, a leader and commander to the People, Ifa. 55. 4. AWitnefl to tefiifie the, truth, in revealing the mind and Will of God; a Leader going before them as a Prince and Captain, as the word fignifies; and a Commander, that gives out Laws and Rules for their Obedience. God hath fet him as aLord over his whole Houfe, Chap. 3. 5. And- committed all the mannagementof all itsconcernments unto him ;; There is no Per- fon that belongs untoGods defign of bringing many font to glory, but he is under his Rule and InfpeEtion. Neither is there any thing that concerns any of them in their paffage towardsglory, whereby they maybe farthered or hindered in their way, but the care is committed unto him ; as the care of the whole Army lies on the General, or Prince of the boll. This the Prophet fets out in his type Eliakim,Ifa. 22, z1,22,23,a4 He isfaflned ar a nail in a fore place; and all theghry of the houfe, and every veil of it from the greateff unto the leaft is hanged on him, the weight of all, the care óf all is ,upon him, committed unto him. When thePeople came out of Ægypt with Moles they were numberedunto him, and he being the Adminiftrator of the Law, they dyed all in the Wildernefs: but they were delivered again by tale and number unto Jo- Jhuah the type of Chrift ; and none of them, not one failed of entring into Canaan. And he difchargeth this troll asa faithful Captain. Fitft, WithCareandWatebfulnef, Pfal. 121. 4. Behold he that !tepeth Ifrael,Jhall nei- ther(lumber nor fleep. There is no time nor feafon Wherein theSons committed unto his Care, may be furprized through any negle6t or regardlefnefs, in him. His eyes are'alwayes open upon them.. They are never out of his heart, nor thoughts ; they are engraven on thepalms ofhis hand, and their walls are continually before him ; or as he expreffeth it, Ifa. 27.3. I the Lord do keep my Vineyard, Iwill water it every mo- ment , leff any hurt it, 'will keep it night andday. Greater Care and Watchfulnefcan- not be expreffed ; night and day, and every moment in them, he is intent about this work. Ohhow great an encouragement is this to adhere unto him, to follow him in the whole Courfe ofObedience that he calls unto. This puts life into Souldiers,.and gives them fecurity, when they know that their Commander is continually careful for them. Secondly, He difchargeththis great truft withTendernef andLove, Ifa. 40. r 1. He fhall feed his flock like a Sbepheard, he fball gather the Lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bofome, andpall gently lead theft that are with young. Thefe Sons are of various forts and degrees ; the befi and ftrongell of them are but Jheep ; poor infirm andhelplefs creatures ; and amongfl them Come areyoungand tender, as Lambs ; fome heavyand burdened with fins and affliäions, like thofe that arewith young. In ten- der eompa)Tonhe condefcends unto all theirconditions ; feeds and preferves the whale flock asaJhepbeard; gathers inhis arm,. and bears in his bofome, thofe that other- wife by their infirmity would be caft behind, and left unto danger. Compagion he bath for them that err andare out of the way.; leeks for them that wander, heals the difeafed, feeds them when they are even a flock offlaughter. And wherethefe two concur,Careand Compa/on, there can be no want of any thing ; Pfal. 23. r. Indeed Sion is ready fometimes to complain that floe is forgotten. The Sons in great Di- ffreffes, Aftiiéìions, Perfecutions, Temptations that may befall them in their way to glory, are apt to think they are forgotten and difregarded, that they are left as it were to fhift for themfelves, and to wrefile with their difficulties by their own ftrength and Wifdom, which they know tobe as a thing of nought. But this fear is vain and ungrattful. Whilfl they are foundin the way, following the Captain of their Sal- vation, it *utterly impoffble that this Watchftlnefs,. Care, Love and tendernefs fhould in any thing be wanting unto them. Thirdly, He leadsthemwithPower,. Authority and Majefty, Mir..5.4.IIe ¡hallfiand and rule in the firength ofthe Lord, in the Majefty y ofthe name ofthe Lord his God, and they (hall abide. The name ofGod is inhim, accompanied with his Power and Majefty, which he puts forth in thefeedingand rulingof his people,whereontheir fafety loth depend. Theyfhallabide,or dwell in fafety,becaufe in this his Glory and Majefty, he fball