VER. t©. Epfiletothe II it BREW s. Again, The Way being revealed in the Word, he enables them by his Spirit, to fees difcern and knowit in fuch an holy and faving manner, as is needful to bring them unto theEnd of it. He gives them eyes to fee, as well as providespaths for them to . walk in. It had been to no purpofe to have declared the way, if he had not alfo given them light to fie it. This bleffed work of his Spirit, is everywhere declared in the Scripture, Ifa. 43. 16. And by this means is he unto us, what he was unto the Church in the Wildernefi, when he went before them in a Pillar of fire, to guide them in their way, and to thew them where they thould refl. And herein lycs no (malt part of the difcharge of his Office towards us, as the Captain of our f lvation. What ever acquaintance we have with theWay toGlory , we have it from hint alone; and what ever Ability we have to difeern the way, he is the fountain andAuthor of it. This God hath defignedand called him unto. And all our Wifdomconfilis in this, that we betake our Elves unto him, to him ,alone for initruCtion and dire Lion in this matter, Mark r7. q. Dothnot he defervedly wander, yea, and perifh ; who in war will negleh the orders and dire6tions ofhis General, and attend unto every idle tale of men pretending to Phew him away that they have foundour, better thanthat which his Captain hath limited him unto ? Thirdly, He fupplyes them with Jirength by his Grace, that they may be able to pafl on in their way. They have much work lyes before them; much to do, much to fuller, and without him they can do nothing, John 15. q. Wherefore he watchetboverthem to fuccour them that are tempted, Pleb. z -18. and to give out help unto themall in time of need, Chap.4. r6. andhence they who have no might, no fuffrciency,ean do all things throughChriff that Jfrengtheneth them, Phil. 4.13. Nothing is too hard for them, nothing can prevail againft them, becaulè of the confiant fup- plyes ofGrace, which the Captain oftheir falvation communicates unto them. And this makes the Wayes of the Gofpel marvellous, both to the world and to Believers themfelves ; TheirLife it bid withGodin Chriff, Col. 3. And they bavea ruwname that no man í{nowetb, Rev. 2. TheWorld feting poor, mean, weak contemptible Crea- tures, willing; ready and able to fur, endure, and dye for the name of Chrilt, Hand altonithed,not knowing wheretheir great flrength lyes;as the Pbiliffinsdid at the might ofSampfnn, whom they fawwith their eyes tobe likeother men. Let them in the height of their Pride and Rage oftheir madnefs pretend what they pleafe, they cannot but be, they really areamazedto fee poor Creatures whom otherwife they exceedingly defpife, confiant unto the Truth and Profeliionof the Gofpel, againft all their Allure- ments and Aflrightments. Theyknow not, they confider not the confiant fupplyesof the StrengthandGrace which they receive from their Leader. He gives them the'Spi- rit of Truth which theworld neither Pies nor !mows, John 14.17. And thereforewon- der fromwhence they'have theirAbility and Confiancy. Theycry, What will no- thing turn thefe poor foolilh creatures out of theirway ? They by them one way, and then another ; add oneweight of Affliéfion and Opprelfion unto another, and think furely this will effeft their defign ; but they find themfelves deceived, and know not whence it is. The Wayes of Obedience are hence alfo marvellousunto Be- lievers themfelves. When they confider their own frailty and weaknefs, how ready they are to faint, how often they are furprized, and withal take a pròfpelt of what Op= pofrtion lyesagainft them, from indwellingfin, Satan and the World, whieh they are acquainted with in feveral inflances of their Power and Prevalency, they neither know bow they have abode Co long in their courfe as they havedone, nor how they (hall continue it unto the end. But they are relieved when they come to the Promife of the Gofpel. There they fee whence their Prefervation loth proceed. They fee thisCaptainof their Salvation in whom is the fulnefs of the Spirit, and to whom are committed all the floresofGrace,giving out daily and hourly untothem" as the matter doth require. As the Captain in an Armydoth not at once give out unto his Souldiers the whole provifion that is needful for their way and undertaking; which if he thould, the molt, ofthemwould infìantly waste it, and Co quickly pedal for want ; but he keeps provifion for themallin his flores, and gives out unto them according to their dailynecefftties ; So God gave the people Manna for their daily food in theWildernefs even fo deals this great Leader with the Sons ofGod. He keeps the flares of Grace and fpiritual flrength in his own hand; and from thenceimL parts unto them according asthey Hand in need. Fourthly, He fubdues their enemies. And this belongs unto his Office as the Capi tain of theirfalvation in an efpecial manner. Many Enemies they have, and unlefs they Cccc are 215