z; 6 n Hxpofitiön of tbì. C NA P. II: are conquered and fubdued, they can never enter into Glory. Satan, the World, Death and Sin, arethe chief or heads of them, and all thefe are fubdued by Chritt and that twowayes. Firlt, In his own Perfon. For they all attempted him, and failed in their enterprize,John 14: 3o. He bruited theSerpents head, Gen. 3. x5. and defaroyedhim that bad thepower of death, that is the Devil, v. 14 of this Chapter ; de- [hayed his Power in a glorious and triumphant manner, Col. z. 15. He fpnykdprin- cipalities and powers, and made fhew ofthemopenly,triumphing over them in his Croft, ad- ding the utmofa complement unto his Viéaory in a Triumph. And he overcame the world, John 16. 33. Be ofgood cheer, faith he, Ihave overcome the world. Both it, and the Prince of it were put under his feet. Death alfo was fubdued by him : He(wal- lowed it up in victory, 1 Cor.15.54, He plucked out its fling, broke its Power, difan- nulled its peremptory Law, whenhe (hook it off from him, and rofe from under it, Ads 2.24. Sinalfo fet upon him in his Temptations, but was utterly foiled ; as all fin is deefroyed inits very being, where it is not obeyed. And all this was for the Ad, vantage of the Sons ofGod. For (1. ) He hathgiven them encouragement in(hewing them that their Enemies are not invincible; their Power is not uncontrollable, their Law not peremptory or eternal ; but that having been once conquered, they may the more eafly be dealt withal. (z. ) They know alto, that all theftEnemies let upon his Perfon in theirquar- rel, and as he was the great Defender of thefaithful : So that although they werenot conquered by theirPerfons, yet they were conquered in their Caulè -, and they are called in to be fharers in the Vilory , although they were not engaged in the Battle. . ( 3. )That he fubdued them by Gods Ordinanceand Appointment, as their Repre fentative ; declaringin his Perron who is the Head, what fhould be accomplithed in every one of his members. . And (4.) That by his Perfon! Conqueji over them, He hath left them weak,maimed, difarmed and utterly deprived of that power they had to hurt and defiroy, beforehe engaged with them. For he hath thereby deprived them ; ( a. ) Of all their Right and 'title to exercife their Enmityagainf1; or Dominion over the Sonsof God. Before his dealingwith them, they had all Right to the utmoft over mankind. Satan to rule, the World to vex, Sin toenflave, Death to defiroy and give up unto Hell. And all this Right was enrolled inthe Law,and band-writing ofOrdinances which was againfi etc. This was cancelled byChrift, mailed to the Croft, never to bepleadedmore, Col. 2. 14. And when any have loft theirRight or Title unto any thing, what ever their ftrength be, they are greatly weakned. But he bath herein (2.) Deprived them of their firengtb alfo. He took away theJfrength of fin as aLaw, and the fling ofdeath in fin, the arms of the world in the curfe, and thepower ofSatan in his works and Chong- bolds. But this isnot all; He not only fuódues theft Enemies for them, but altoin them and by them; For though they have neither Title nor Arms, yet they will try the re- mainder of their Power againfa them alto. But thanks be toGod, faith the Apoftle, who givetb us the viiïoryby lefts Chrifi, 1 Cor. 15. 57. He enables us in our own Perfon: to conquer all theft enemies. Nay, faithhe, in all there, things we are more than con- querors, Rom. S. 37. Becaufe we have more *tranceof fuceefs, more AJifiance in the conlai+d, more Joy in the tryal, than any other Conquerors have ; Or we do not only conquer, but triumph alfo. For Satan, he tells Believers, that they have overcome the wicked one,1 John 12. 13, 14. And thews how it came to pats that they (holld. be able todo fo, Chap. 4. v. 7. It is, becaufe greater is be that is in them, than be that is in the world. TheGood Spirit which he hath givenunto them to help and alfift them, is infinitelygreater and more powerful than that evil Spirit which rules in the Chil- dren ofdifobedience : And by this means is Satan bruited even under their feet. Aeon- fliCe indeed we mufa have with them ; we mull wreftle withprincipalities and powers inheavenly places, but the fuccefl is fecured through the Affiance we receive from this Captain of Our falvation. The Worldalfo is fubdued inthem and by them, 1 John5.4. Whofoever isborn of God overcometh the world, and thisis the victory that overcometh the world even our faith. Faithwill do this work it never failed in it, nor ever will. He that believeth (hall overcome; the whole firength of Chrift is engagedunto his Affiance. Sin is the worn( and more obfainate of all their Enemies. This puts them hard to it Bae,