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z38 An Expoftion ofthe CN AP. II, unto him be according unto hisCommand, our Expetfations fromhim accòrding tothé Promife; ourExperiences ofwhat we receive be meafured by the Rule of theWord; and we (hall find, that we have all grounds of Affurance, that wecan defire. Let us then in every condition look unto Jefisr the Author and finifher ofour faith, who hath undertaken the leadingofus in the whole courfeof our Obedience from firft to laft,and we (hallnot need to faint, northall we ever fail. Secondly, To look for Direûion and Guidance from him. This in an efpecial mannet belongs untohim asthe Captain of our falvation. There ace two things which we find by Experience, that Profeffors are apt to be at a great lofs in, while(ìthey are in this World. The WorfhipofGod, andtheir own Troubler. For the firff, We fee and find that wouul Variance that is amongallforts of men ; and for the latter, we are apt our felves tobe much bewildred in them, as unto our Duty and ourWay. Now all this Uncertaintyarifeth from the want ofa due attendance unto Jefus Chrift asour Guide. In reference unto both thefe, he hath peculiarly promifed his Prefence with us. With the Difßcnfers of the Word hehath promifed to be unto the ends of the world, or con- fummation of all things, Match. 28.29. And we find him walking in the midfi of bit Golden Candlefficks ; Rev. t. Inthat allegorical defcription of the Gofpel Church-State and Wotfhip, which wehave in Ez214el , there is apeculiarplace affignedunto the Prince. Nowone end of his Pretence is, to fee that all things are done according unto hisMind and Will. And unto whomfhould we go but unto himfelf alone. His Word here will prove theheft Diretlory, and his Spirit thebelt Guide. Ifwe neglect thefe, to at- tendunto the Wifdom ofMen, we (hall wander in uncertainties all ourdayes. It is fo alfo in refpect ofour Troubles s we are ready in them to confute with flefh andblood; to look after the Examplesof others, to take the advice that comes next to hand. When the LordChrift bath promifed hisPrefence with us in them all ; and that as the Cap- tain ofour falvation. And ifwe negleét Him,his Éxample,his DireEtion, his Teaching; it is no wonder if wepine away under our di(ireffes. I L We may obferve, That the LordJefus Chrift being Prieff, Sacrifice and Altar himfelf, the Offering whereby be was confecrated unto the perfection and complement ofhis Office, was of neceffity to bepart ofthat work, which of our Prieff and Mediator be war to undergo andperform. When other TypicalPrieffs were to be confecrated, therewas an Ofring of Beafis appointed for that purpofe, and an Altar to offer on, and a Perin to confecrate them. But all this was to be done in and by Jefus Chrift himfelf. Even the Father is faid to confecratehim, but upon the account of his defigning him and appointing him unto this Office ; but his immediate aaual confecration was his own work, which he performed when he ofredhimfelf through the Eternal Spirit. By his death and fuffering, which he underwent in the difchargeof his Office, and as a Eriefe thereinofferedhimfelfunto God, he was dedicatedand confecrated unto thePerfe&ion of his Office. This wouldrequireour further Explicationin this place,but that it will again occur unto us more directly. III. TheLordChriff being confecratedand perfetled through frfringr, bath conferated the way offufring, forall thatfollowhim to pa" through unto Glory. Allcomplaints of fufferings, all Defpondeneies under them, all Fears of them are rendered unju(1 and unequal by the fufferings of Chrift. It is furely righteous that they fhould becon- tented with his Lot tome, who delire to be received into hisGlory hereafter. Now thereare fundry things that follow upon this Confecration of the wayof fufring by Jefus Chrift. As, Firft, That they are made neceffary, andunavoidable : Men mayhopeand delire other things, and turn themfelves feveral wayes in their contrivances to avoid them, but one way or other, fufferings will be the Portion of them that intend to follow this Captain ofSalvation. The Apofile tells Believers, that they are predeffinated to be con- firmed to the Image of the Son ofGod, Rom. 8.29. And lets them know in the clofe of thatChapter, that no fmall part of this Conformityconfifts in their Aflli&ionsand Suf- ferings. TheHead havingpatted through them, there is a meafure of Afictions be- longing unto theBody, which every member is to bear his (hare of, Col. 2.24. And the Lord Jefushimfelfhath given this.Law unto us, That every one whowill be his 'Difciple mufftake up his Croft, and follow him. Difcipkfhipand the Croftare infeparably knit together, by the unchangeable Law and Conflitution of Chrift himfelf. And the Gofpel is full ofWarnings and Inftructions unto this purpofe; that none may complain,