a t 6 an Expofitson of the Cu A ,P, And this fully difcovers the vile andhorrid nature offin. Fools, as the Wife mantells us, make mock of it. Stifling for a while their natural coni&ions, they aft as iffinmere a thing of nought ; at leaf}, not fo horrible as by fome it is reprefented. And few there are who endeavour aright toobtain a true notionof it ; contenting themfelves in ge- neral, that it is a thing that ought not to be. What direft Oppofition it (sands in, un- to the Nature, Properties, Rule and Authorityof God, they confider not. But the kit day will difcover the true nature of it; when all eyes (hall fee what it deferves in thejudgement of God, which is according unto Righteoufnefs. Is it a (snail thing for aCreature tobreakthat Order which God at firti placed him and all things in? To call off theRule and Authority ofGod, to endeavour to dethrone him, fo that he cannot continue to be the Supream Governour ofall things, and Judge of all the world, unlels he punish it ? Is it a fmall thing to fet up that which hath an utter ineonfijteney with theHolinefs and Righteoufitefs of God, fo that ifit go free, God cannot be holy and righteous ? If thefe things will not nom fink into the minds of Well s if they will not learn thefeverity of God in this matter from the Lam, on the threatning and cutte whereof he hath impretfed r Imageof his Holinefs and Juflice, as was faid, they will learn it all in Hell. Why doth God thus threaten and curie finand (inners? Why hath heprepared anEternity ofVengeance and Torment for them ? Is it becaufe he would ? Nay, becaufe it could not otherwife be, Godbeing fo Holy and Righte- ous as he is. Men may thank themfelves for Deathand Hells They are no more than fin hash made nece_(jary unlefs God should ceafe to be Holy, Righteous, and the Judge of all, thatthey might fin freely and endlefly. And this appears molt eminently in theCrofs of Chrif ; for Godgave in him an intlance of his Righteoufnefs, and of the detèrt of fin. Sin being imputed unto theonly Son of God, he could not be fpared. If he be madefin, he mutt bemade a curfe ; If he will take amay our iniquities, he nauti make Nofoul an Wiring for fins, andbear the punifhment due unto them. Obedi- ence in all Duties will not do it; Interceon and Prayers will not do it, finrequired another manner of Expiation. Nothing but undergoing the wrath of God, and the Curfe of the Law, andtherein anfwering what the eternalJuliet ofGod'required, will effect that End. Howcan God /Pare fin in bis Enemies, who could not fpare it on his only Son ? Had it been poflible this Cup (honk( have patted from him : but this couldnot be, and God continue Righteous. Thefe things I fay will give us an infight into the nature of fin, and the horrible provocation wherewith it is at- tended. And this alto opens the Myfierie of the Wifdom and Love and Grace of God in the falvation of (inners. This is that which he will for ever be admired in; A way he hath found out, to exercife Grace, and fatisfie 3uJfice, at the fametime, in and by the fame Perfon ; fin (hall be punifhed, all fin, yet Grace exercifeds "inners (hall be Paved,yet Juffiee exalted ; all in the Crofs ofaril'. VerfeXI,XII,XIII. THe great Reafon and Ground of the Neceffity of the Offerings ofChrifl hashbeen declared. It became God that he (houldPuffer. But it loth not yet appear on what Grounds this fuffering of his could be profitable or beneficial unto theSons to be brought unto Glory. It was thefinner himfelfagain(} whom the Lawdenounced the judgement of death. And although theLord Chrilt undertaking to hea Captain ofSalvation unto theSons ofGod, might be willing to fuller for them, yet what Rea- him is there that the PunilhmentofOne, (hould be accepted for the finofAnother? Let it be granted, that the Lord Chrilt had an abfolute and Soveraign Pouter over his own Life, and all the Concernments of it, in the nature which he affumed ; as alto that he was willing to undergo any fufferings that God (houid call him unto ; this indeed will acquit the Jufice of Godin givinghim up unto death. But whence is it that "inners shouldcome to be fo interefted in thefe things, as thereon to be acquitted from fin, and brought unto Glory. In thefe Verfes the Apofle enters upon a difcovery of the Rea- Cons hereofalto. Hefuppofeeh indeed, that therewas a Compadl and Agreement between theFather and Son in this matter ; which he afterwards exprefly treateth on, Chap. so. Hefuppofeth alto, that in his Soveraign Authority, God had made a ltelsxationof the Law, as to the Perinfull ring, thoughnot as to the Penalty to be fuffered; which God