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E/tle to the HEBREWS: God abundantly deduced unto theChurch of the jars in all their Sacrifices, aswe (hall manifelt. Thefe thingsbeing fuppofed, the Apoftle proceeds to declare the grounds of theEquityof this SubftitutionofChrift, in the room of the Sons, and of their Advantage byhis fuffering ; the Propofition whereofhe layes down in thefeVerfes, and the efpecial Application in thole that enfue. Verfe rl, 12, 13. 'Ors ,v 6íyráCaV XJ' it C.yral;ÓMarCt i,Ós mints ; ói JIV â1TlaV éx i7al*Ú,Tat áfeApú6 ¡um; wuTñY, AiyWV dmayyaAW 7ó òroµá au 7076 dó4TpoI6 Mu, iv µ'sal.l c¢Tna¡as D//.YÁap Pt, xJ WAIF, 9yr? 11054a1 Ta9r018rá6 iT' dveyl' máAtv, 11ù iyr3 i, Tá Tar1'ía é Mor 61ta MP c 8aá6. There isnoVariety in the readingofthefe words in anyCopies; nor do Tranflators differ in rendring the fenteof them. The Syriack renders the la({Teftimony, as if thewords were fpoken unto God, BeholdI and thechildren, tz-6zi v4 na71+1, whom thou haft givenunto me 0God. The2Eakiopick; Wherefore they who fan5lifte, and they who are fanAified are altogether ; to what purpofe I cannot ghefs. `Ayl4a, Is ufed in thisEpifikboth in the Legal fenfiof it, to feparate, confecrafe, Xyrátdd dedicate ; and inthe Evangelical, to puritìe, fandtihe, to make internally and really holy. It feems in this place tobeuCrd in the latter fenfe, though it include the for= mer allo, xaT ávaxa ihnr, by juff confluence, for theywho are fanefifted, are (parated unto God. The Word thenexpreffeth what the Lord Chrift loth unto and for the Sons, as he is the Captain of their falvation : He confcrates them unto God, through the fantication of the Spirit, andwashing in bit ownblood. 'g ¡Ws, It may be of the Mafculine Gender , and fo denote one Peden ; or of 'ESr trit; the Neuter , and fo one thing; one tali , one common Principle ; whereof after- wards. Thefirft Teftimony is takenfrom, Pfal. 22.24,1thrili 41;111 "ifl) +nN 10tD t1TODN 'ArayyaÀ4. which the LXX. render, 1o, 4o-ru t ca ó,Y55á au 7o,s dd'ertoïs MN, Ii Miau ixzAnalet úMVñaa ere. The firft word 71'19óN, narrabo, annuntiabo, the Apoftle renders by ämayyeAíü, more properly,than they by din alsopat : In the ,eft of the words there is a Coincidence, the Originali being exprefly rendered in them. For though t7rT, 'TMvúsa be renderedfmply topraifi, yet its moil frequent rife, when ref-piing God as its Ob- jedt, it is to praife by Hymns or Pfalms : as the Aponte here her íaa as ; tibi hymns canam, or to hymns celebraba, I will ling hymns unto thee, or praife thee with hymns ; which was the principal way of fitting forth Gods praife under the Old Te- ftament. It is not certain whence the'fecond Teftimony is taken. Some fuppofe it to be from Ifa. 8. 17. from whence the left alfo iscited. Thewords of the Prophet there +i +11+1¿p, are rendered by the LXX. a Tsmoobrrs %auµat iT' 4m1, the words here ufed by theilpoJile. But there arefundrythings, that will not allow us to dole with this fuppofal. Firft, The Original is not rightly rendered by the LXX. and as we ¡hall fee, theApoftles words do exaótlyexprefs the Original in another place. Betides 7MIp, isnever but in this place and once more turned into oe.10a, by the LXX. but is con- ftantly rendered by them, JAY.; or 3ro(¡Ya. So that it is not improbable, but that thefe words might be inferted into theGreek,Text out of this place of the Apoftle, there being fomePrefumptions and likelihoods, that it was the place intended by him; elpecially becaufe thenext Teflimany ufed bythe ApoRIe, confias in the Words imme- diately enfuing thefe in theProphet: But yet that yields another Reafon againul this fuppofition. For if the Apoftlecontinued on the words ofthe Prophet, to what end Mould he infert in the midlt ofthem, that confiant note of proceeding unto another Teftimony, rato,,, and again, efpeciallyconfidering,that the whole Teftimony fpeaks to thefame purpofe. We ¡hall then refer, theft words untoPP/. 18. z. 1a`1I I1N, which the LXX. ren- naxotbon. der, 4ATlâ. im' ,war,,, brig hope in him ; the Apoftle more properly, Iowa. mamaed; im Roc[,, I will put my troff in him. And that that Pfalm had refped unto the Lord Chrift and his Kingdom, our Apoftle thewethelfewhere, by citing another Teftimony out of it, concerning the callingofthe Gentiles, Rom. 55.9. Nor was the latter part of the Pfalm properly fulfilled inDavidatall. The