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Z4g atSia, An Exposition ofthe C H A P. II. The ball Teflimony is unquellionably taken out of Ifs. 8. 17. where the words are X17+ +4 =1-12 iW1t a+14mt +7]t.` N21; and rendered by the LXX. as here by the Apoflei iJ'i iyd ïi aeardia a`a'dd axe ve, ó Beá, MITT is properly nati, yeaetrel,, or t,yoior, thofe thatare begotten, or bornof anyone, whileft they are in their tender age. But it may be rendered by ,ar8ía, as it is by the LXX.Gen. 3o. 36. Chap. 32.22. Chap, 33. t, 2. which is children in a larger fenfe. Ver f e 1 , 1 1 , 13. For both he that faniffeth, and they who are fanllped are all of one for which canfe he is not ashamed tocal them brethren ; faying, Imill de- clare thy name unto my brethren, in the midfi of the Church will Ifing praifeunto thee. Andagain, Iwillput my trust inhim : And again;behold I and the childrenwhichGod hash givenme. Thewords contain ; Fiift, A farther Defcriptionof theCaptain¶f falration, and the fon: to be brought untoGlory byhim, mentioned in the Verfe foregoing; taken from his Office and Worktowards them, and the Effeét thereof upon them. Ile that fantïifietb, and they that are fanïtified; which is the fubjei`I of the firlt Propoltion in theftwords. Secondly, An Alfertion concerning them; they are all of one. Thirdly, Anatural confequenceof that Afïertion, which includesallo the fcopeand defign of it, He is not ashamed to call them brethren. Fourthly, The confirmation hereof by a Triple Testimony from the Old Testa- ment. First, Hedefcribes the Captain of falvation, 40 theSons to be brought unto glory, by their mutual Relation to one another in f ntti catlen. He is äyiase, he that fan- ïlifieth, and they are li áyeai bp,evoy they that are Jantlified. That it is the Son, the Cap- tain of falvation, that is intended by the fantwifier, bothwhat the Apostle afirmsim- mediately of him.and them, and theenfuing Teftimonies whereby he confirms it, do make evident. And as in theVerf foregoing, givingan account why God wouldhave Guilt tofiífr, he defcribes him by that Propertyof his Nature which includesane- çeffity of his fo doing ; fofetting forth the Cates on our part, of that fuffering, and the grounds of our advantage thereby, he expreffeth him and the children by thole terms, which manifeft their Relation untoone another; and which they could not have flood in, had they notbeen of the fame nature, asheafterwards declares. Now thefame word being here ufedatrively and pa/finely, it mull in both places beundeiftood in the fameJinf,, the one expreffing theEffeót- of the other. As Christ fantlifies, fö are the children f nttified. And the Ad of Christ which is here intended, is that. which he did for the Sons, when he fuffered for them according to Gods appoint- ment ; as v, to. Now as wasPaid before, to fantiifie is either tofeparate and to dedicate unto facred Ufe, or topurifie and make reallyholy, whichlatter fenfe is here principally intended. Thus when the Apostle fpeaks of the effects of the Offerings of Christ for the Ele6t, he diltinguifheth between their Tan«roars, or confammation,, and their elytaauòs, or faniiifieation, Chap. 10. 14. i.e' ? apse opd 757<T041(ee 78+ì eiyrgopti ss i byone offering be confummated or perfetied the fanliified. First,He fanilifteth them, and then dedicates them unto God, fo that they (hall never more need any Initiation into his Favour and fervice. This workwas the Captain of falvation designed unto; thechildren that were to be broughtuntoglory, being in themfelves unclean and unholy, and on that account feparated from God,he was topurge their natures, and tomake them holy,. that they might be admitted into the favour of,and find acceptance with God. And for the Nature of thiswork, two things mull be confidered ; (1. )The Impetration of it, or the Way and Means whereby he obtained this Sanbificatiou for them; and ( 2. ) The Application of that Means, or real eking of it. The firsl confilleth in the fuffrrings of Chritl, and the merit thereof. Hence we are fo often Paid to befantÌified andmashed in hit blood, Eph. 5.25. Acts 20.32. Rev. r. 5.. and his blood is laid to eleanfe us from all our fins, it 1. 7. As it wasfhedfor us, he procured by theme- rit of his Obedience therein, that those forwhom it was (lied, fhould be purged and purified, Titus 2. 14. The other confifts in the effectualworkings of the Spirit ofGrace, communicated