25o e/In Expof :taonof the C tA PAL: dwelleth. It is utterly impollIble that any foul not wafhed with the bloodof Chtitt, not fanüifted byhis Spirit and Grace, thould fluid in the fight of God. And th4 4445 expreffed in all the typicalIn/titutiont about cleanfing which God appointed unto his peopleof old. Hedid it to teach them, that unlefs they were fanaified, walked and cleanfed from theirfins, they could be admitted untonóCommunionwith him, nor Enjoyment of him. Neither can any ferve him here, unlefs theirconfciences bepurged by the blood ofChrift from dead works ; nor can they come to him hereafter, unlefs they are wattled from all their defilements. Their Cervices here he rejeás as an un- clean and polluted thing, and theirconfidences for the future he defpifethas aprefutn- tuousabomination. God will not dived himfelf of his Holineft, that he may receive, or be enjoyed by unholy creatures.And the day is coming wherein poor unfan£tifiedcreatures, who think they maymillHolinefl in the way to glory, (hall cry out, whoamongjl us (hall inhabit with thofeeverlaJting burnings ; for fowill he appear untoall unfanélified perfòns. 2. OfHmmfelf, and theRelation whereuntohe takes thefe Sons with himfelf. He is their Head, and they are to bemembers of his body. Now he is holy, and fomutt they be alfo, or this Relation will be very unfuitable and uncomely. A living bead and deadmembers, a beautiful head and rotten members, how uncomely would it be ? Such a monflrous body Chrift will never own. Nay, it would overthrow the whole nature of that Relation, andtakeaway the life and form ofthat Union that Chrift and his are brought into, as head and members. for whereas it confifts in this, that the whole Headand members are animated, quicknedand aïied by one and the Pelf fame Spirit of life ; nor cloth any thing elfegive Union between head and members ; if they be not fantïifted by that Spirit, therecan be no fuch Relation between them, Again, lac takes them unto himfelfto be his Bride and gpoufe, Now you know, that it was ap- pointed of old, that ifany one would take up a Captive Maid to be his Wife, fhe was to (have her head, andpareber nayl,, and wafh her Pelf, that the might bemeet for him. And the Lord Chrift taking this Bride unto himfelf, by the conquer{ he hath made ofher, mutt by Sanñification make themmeet for this Relation with himfelf. And therefore heBoth it, Ephef. 5. z5, 26. CbriJi loved the Church, and gave himfitffor it, that hemight fanilifte and eleanfe it with the wafhing of water by the word, v. 27. that be might prefent it unto himfelf aglorious Church, not having floor or wrinkle, or any Jim!, thing, but that it lkould be holy and without blemih. This it became him to do, this was the Endwhy he did it; he fanllifietb his Church that he maypretor it a meet Bride or Spoufe untòhimfelf. The like may be laid of all other Relationswherein the Lord Chrift Rands untohis people ; there is no one of them but makes their fanttifeeation abfolutely neceflary. 3.On the part of the Childrenthemfelves ; for unlefs they are Regenerate, or born again, wherein the foundationof their Janetiftcation is laid, they can by no meansen- ter into the Kingdom ofGod. It is this that makes them meet for the inheritance of theSaint: in light. As without it, they are not meet for their Duty, fo are theynot capable of their Reward. Yea,Heaven it felt in the true light and notion of it , is undefirable unto an unfanctifted perron. Such an one, neither can, nor would enjoy God if he might. In aword, There is no one thing required of the Sons of God, that an unfanctified Perfon can do, no one thing promifed unto them, that he can enjoy. There is furely then a woful make in the world. If Christ fanctifles all whom he faxes, many will appear to havebeen miftaken in their Expeáations anotherday. It is grown amonglt us almoft an Abhorrency unto all fleth, to fay, that theChurch of God is to be holy. What thoughGodbathpromifedthat it thould befo ; that thrift bath undertaken to make it fo, What if it berequired to be fo ? What if all the du- ties of it be rejected ofGod if it benot fo ; it is all one ; if men bebaptized whether they will or no, andoutwardly profefs thename of Chilli, though not one of them be truly fandified, yet they are, as it is Paid, the ChurchofChristi. Why then let them be fo ; but what are they the better for it ? Are their Perlons, or their Services there- fore accepted withGod ? Arethey relatedorunited unto Chria? Are they under his conduEt unto glory ? Are they meet for the Inheritance of theSaints in light? not at all ; not all, not any of thefe things do they obtain thereby : What isit then that theyget by the furiouscontea which they make for the Reputation of this Privi- ledge ? Only this, that fatisfying their minds by it, 'Tiling, if not pridingthemfelves in it, they obtain many Advantages to (titleall' conviáions of their condition,and fo perifh unavoidably. A fad fuccefs, and for ever to be bewailed. Yet is there nothing at