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2 6 CHAP.II. Perfon, and that bot for although it be mentioned here, as a work that ufive of his teachings before his fuffering; becaufe th oftion thereof. Thus in the dayes of his flefh, h preached the Gofpel in the Sy- nagoguer of theJewr name of God unto them. So allo after his Return r about the Kingdom of. God, Aas 1. ( 2.) By his ufion of it upon his Dilciplcs enabling them perfo he men of their own genera- tion, and in the Inff i hem to commit the Truth un, to writing for the I end of the world. And herein doth the Apotile ace ; not onlyconfirm what hehad before delivered, but farther to inatru& the Hebrews in; namely, the Priipbetie t Revealer of the Will of Cod and Teacher of the fts upon in the beginning of the next Chapter. la the fecond part d farther: (t.)What Chrill will moreover do ; (2.) Where he will do it ; in the midi of the Goug heft is accommodated unto the adoration of Gods Temple. Thefinging of Hymns of praife unto God in t .principal part of his Worship. And in the lint E.xp (r.)What Chritt undertakes to do, and that is to Exegetical of what .went before, He would praife God no way whereby the Praile of God may be celebr ,Goodnefs, and love unto men, whereby they may a whence Glory redounds un, to him. ( z.) The it of Chritt in this work, he would do it as wit me of heart, as was required in them, who were t eat Affemblies in the Temple. ( 2.) Where would idff of the Congregation the great Congregation, great Affembly of the people in the Temple. An Church of.the Elea. undo'. the New Tefament. The it Spirit, in his Apoftles, and his Word, by all his Me , fet.tingforth the Love, Grace, Goodnefs and Mercy ,forth the praifèofgod in the midit of the Congregation.I of hymns unto God was an elpecial part of theLntituteti t, to whole ule there Expref, lions are accommodated, Christ hath eminently let forth this praifi of God in theNew Teltament, wherein God will ever be that which the Lord Chritt en- gaged to do upon t may propofe it unto our Ex- ample and Inttruetio tin Expofition of the h before and after his fuffcrings ; enfaed lois death, yet is it not excl ey alto were built upon the fupp e infiru&ed his Dikiples and and in the Temple; declaring the Eüon, he conferred with his Apofle Spirit : and that both in the Elf sally to preach the Gofpel umo r rationof tome of them, enablingç nitruótion of the Ele& nitro the cording unto his wonted manner, make way for what he had i. el OffacerofChrilt, as he is the grea Church, which he profeffedly Intl of thisfìrf Tettimony, is declare He will ling praifis untoGod , and legation. The Exprelfion ofboth c Name, and frailIng of him in the he great Congregation was then a refiìon two things are eblervable. praifè God. Now this is only by declaring his name. There is aced,, like that of declaring his Grace be won tobelieve and fruit in him ehearfulnefandalacrity of the Spit h/9 andSinging; w,th,fuyh a fra offing the praifer of God in the gr he do this, 5,p p? in the m as ice calls it,'v. a.5, - that is, the d this was aType of the whole e Lord Chritt in his own Perfon, by f'ergersunto theend of theworld of God in him the Mediator, fersf (hall only add,that whereas finging r Worfhip under the Old Teftamen it is evident that the Lord his Intlitution of Worthip under glorified and praifed. This was heltfue of his fullrings; atìd we n : namely, V. That which was principally in the heart ofCbrift upon hirfieffirings, war to declare and manif f theLove, Grace andGood will of God unto men, that they might come, to au' Acquaintancewith him andAcceptancebefore him. There are two. things in thé Pfalm, and the words that manifeli how much this was upon the heart of- Chritt. The moll part of the Pfalm containeth the great cor,fl ¿tthache had-with hisfr+ffrings, and the DifpleatureofGod againft fin declared therein.- He is no fooner delivered from thence, but intlantlyheengageth in this work. As he lands upon the Poore from that Tempel} wherein he was toffed in hisPaillon, he cryes out , I will declare thy name unto mybrethren, in the midi of theCongregation wit 1 fing praifi unto thee. And thus we find, that upon hisRefurredion he did not immediately attend into glory, but fitfl declared the name of God unto his Apolilesand Difciples : and then tookorder -that by them it should be declared and published to all the-world. This was upon his Spirit, and he enterednot into his glorious Kett untill he had performed ir. The words . themfelves alto do evidenceir, in that Exprellionofcelebrating Gods namewith hymns, with finging. It was a joyof heart unto him to be engaged in this work. Singing is the frame úaoioû,y ,, James g. 13. of them that are in a glad, free, rejoycing condition. So was the Lord Cho(' in. this work. He rejoyced of old with the very thoughts of this work, Prov. 8. 3 o, 31, Ifa. 6r. I,z. 3: And it was one of the glorious Pro- miles that were made unto him upon his undertaking: the work,of our Salvation.; that