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V$it. II,tz,I;. Hpi/ile to the HEBREW. Sm if7 that hethould declare or preach the 'Gofpel, and the name ofGoil therein unto the Cón- vcrGonof 3ewfaud Gentiles, Ira.4g, t, z, 3, 4, 5, b, 7,8, 9, to. fierejoyced therefore greatly to do it ; and that, Firfl, Becaufe herein confined the Manifeflotion and Exaltation ofthe gloryof God which be principally in his whole work aimed at. He came to do the will, and there- by to fet forth the glory oftheFather. By and in him God dcfigned to make his glory known ; the gloryof his Love and Grace in fending him; the glory of his Juffice and faithfulnefs in his fufferings ; the glory ofhis Mercy in the Reconciliation and Pardon of tanners ; the gloryof his Wifdom in the whole Myfferie f bis Media- tion ; andthe glory together of all his Eternal Excellencies in bringing his Sons unto the everlafting Enjoyment ofhim. Now nothing of all this could have been made known, unlen the Lord Chrinhad taken upon him to preach the Gofßel and declare the name ofGod. Without this, what ever elfe he had done or finned, had been loll as unto the interell of the glory of God. This then being that which he principally aymedat, thisdetign mutt needs be greatly in his mind : He took care that fo great Glory, built on fo great a foundation as his Incarnation and Mediation, thould not be loft. His other work was neceffary, but this was a by of heart and foul unto him. Secondly, The Salvation of the Sons tobe brought unto glory, with all their In- tereft in the Benefit of his fufferings depended on this work of his. How much he fought that, his whole work declares. For their fakes it was, that he came down fromHeaven,and was made de(h and dwelt amongi them; for theirfakesdid he undergo all the miferies that the world could can upon him ; for their faker did he undergo the Curfe of the Law, and wrelile with the Difpleafure and Wrathof God againtl fin. And all this feemedas it were little unto him, for the love he bare them, as Jacobs hard fervicedid to himfor his love unto Rachel. Now after he had done all this for them, unlefshehad declared the Name ofGod unto them in the Gofpel, they could have had no Benefit by it. For if they believe not, they cannot be raved. And how Ihould they believewithout the word ; and how, or whence could they hear the word, unlefs it had been preached unto them. They could not of themfelves have known any thing of that name ofGod, which is their life and falvation. Some men talk of I know not what Declaration of Gods Name, Nature and Glory, by the works ofNature and Providence ; but if the Lord Chrift had not indeed revealed, declared andpreached thefe things, thenDij users themfelves would not have been in any other Condition than all mankind is, whoare left unto tholè Teachers, which is molt dark and miferable. The LordChritl knew, that without his performance of this work, not one of the Sons, the conchs& of whom to glory he had undertaken, could ever have beenbrought unto the knowledge of the natte of God, or unto faith in him, or obedience unto him, which made him earnefily and heartily en- gage into it. Thirdly, Hereon depended hisown Glory alto. His Elea were tobe gathered unto him ; in, among, and over them was his glorious Kingdom to be creded. Without their Converfion unto God, thiscould not be done. In the (late of nature they altoare childrenof Wrath, and belong tothe Kingdom of Satan. And this Declaration of the name ofGod, isthe great Way and means of their Calling, Converfion, and Tran(la- ting from the power of Satan into his Kingdom. The Gofpel is the Rod of his Jlrengtb, whereby his people are made willing in the day of his power. In brief, the gathering of his Church, the Petting up of his Kingdom, the eflablifhment of his Throne, the fetting of the Crown upon his head, depend wholly on his declaring the name of God in the preaching of the Gofpel. Seeing therefore that the glory of Godwhich he aimed at, the falvation of the Sons which he fought for, .and the Honour of bin Kingdom which was promifed unto him, do all depend on this work, it is no wonder,ifhis Heartwere full of it, and 'that he rejoyced to be engaged in it. Andthis Frameof heart ought to be in them , who under him are called unto this work. Thework it Pelfwe fee is noble and excellent; fuch asthe Lord Chritl carried in hisEye through äl1 his fufferings, as that whereby they 'were tobe rendered ufeful unto thegloryofGod, and the fouls ofmen. And by his Rejoycing tobe engaged in it, hebath Pet aPattern unto them, whomhe calls to the fame Employment. Where men undertakeit for filthy lucre, for felt Ends, and carnal Refpei s, this is not to fol. low the Example of Chrili; nor to ferve him but theirown bellies : Zeal for the glory