zi$ An Expofition of the C H A P. IL gloryofGod, Compaffìon for the fouls of men, Love to the Honour and Exaltation of Chuft, ought to be theprinciples of menin thisundertaking. Moreover, the LordChrift by declaring, that he will fit forth thepraife of God in the Church, manifefis what is the Dutyof the Church it felf; namely, topráife God for the work of his Love and Grace in our Redemption by Chrift Jefus. Thishe pro- mifeth to go before them in; and what he leads them unto, is by them to be per- iled in This is indeed the very End of gathering theChurch, and of all the Duties that are performed therein, and thereby. The Church is called unto the glory of the Grace ofGod, Ephef. 1.6. that itmay be fet forth in them, andby them. This is the End of the Infhtutiou of all Ordinances ofWorfhip in the Church, Ephef. 3. 8, 9, 1o. And in them do they fee forth the Prayer ofGod unto men and Angels. This is the Tendency ofPrayer, the Workof Faith, the fruit ofObedience. It is a fond imagina- tion which force have fallenupon, that God is not praifed in the Church for the work of Redemption, unlefs it be done by Words and Hymns particularly exprifling its All Praying, all Preaching, all Adminifiration of Ordinances , all our Faith, all our Obedience if ordered aright, are nothing but giving glory to God, for his Love and Grace in Chrift Jefus in a due and acceptable manner. And this is that which ought to be in our defign in all our Worfhip ofGod, efpecially its what we perform in the Church. To fitforth his praife, to declare his name, to give glory unto him by be- lieving, and the profeffion of our faith, is the End of all we do. And this is the fitti TeJ1imony produced by our Apoflle. His next is taken from Pfalm 18. z. Imillput my trail in him. The whole Pfalm li- terally refpedts David, with his Strcights and Deliverances : not abfolutely, but as he was a Type of Chrift. That he was fo, the pews cannot deny; feeing the Me ah ía promifed on that account under the name of David. And the elote of the Pf!m treating of the calling of the Gentiles, as a fruit of his deliverance from fufferings, manifeft him principally tobe intended.. And that whch the Apotile intends to prove by this Teflimony, is, that he was really and truly of one with the Sons to be brought Untoglory: and thathe Both from hence, inafmuch as he was made and brought into that condition, wherein it was neceffary for him to trat in God, and a& in that De- pendance upon him, which the nature of man whilefi expofed unto Troublesdoth in- difpenfiblyrequire: Had he beenonly God, this could not have been fioken of him. Neither is thenature ofAngels expofèd to fuch Dangers and Troubles, asto make it neceffary for them to betake themfelves untoGodsProted'rion with refpedh thereunto. And this the word rlDn, ufed by thePfalmíff properly fignifies , to betake a mans Pelf unto the Care andProtedtion of another, aslfal. 2. uIt. This then the condition of the LordChrifirequired, and this he did perform in all Troubles and Difiiculties,that he had contended withal; He put bis Craft in God, as Ifa. 50.8, 9. Pfal. 22. 19. And this evincethhim to have been truly and really of onewith the ''ebildren, his brethren feeing it washis Duty no legs than it is theirs, to depend on God in troubles and di- fireffes; And in vaindoth Schlifdingius hence endeavour to prove, that Chrift was the Son ofGod by Grace only, becaufe he is Paid to depend on him, which if he had been God by naturehe could not do. True, if he had been God only ; but the Apofile is nowproving, that he was man alfo ; like unto us in all things finonly excepted. And as fuch his duty it was, in all ftreights to betaké himfelfby faith unto the care and protedtion of God. And force things May -hence alto be briefly obfety- ed: As, a. That the LordChrift the Captain of our falvation, was expofed in the days: of bis fiefbunto great Difculties, Anxiety ofmind, Dangers andTroubles. This is included in what he here affirms aboutputtinghis trutin God And they were all typified out by thegreat fufferingsof David before he came untohis Kingdom. In the confideration of thefairings of Christ, men commonly fix their thoughts folely unto hisDeath. And indeedtherein was a Recapitulation of all that he had before undergone, with an addition of the Wrath of God. But yet neither are thefufrings of his Life tobedil regarded. Such they were as'madehis whole Pilgrimage on the earth dangerous and dolorous. There was upon him a confluence of every thing that is evil or trouble- fome untoHumane Nature. And herein is heprincipally our Example ; at leaftfo firs that we fhould think no kind of fufferings ffrangetintous. 2. The Lord Christ in all his Perplexities and troubles, betook;himfeif unto theprotection f God, wafting in him. See Ifs. 50.7, 8. Andhe alwayes made an openProfeffion Of this trail ; infomuchas that his Enemies reproached him with it in his greateff.di- ffref