VER.I4,15. Epillle to the HEBaEWS. t 5 firers, math. 27.39. But this was his Courfe, this was his Refuge, wherein at length he hadblefd and glorious fuccefs. . 3. He both fiefferedand trufedac ourHead and Prefident. What hedid in both there kinds he calls us unto. As he did, fo mull we, undergo Perplexities and Dangers in thecourfe of our Pilgrimage. The' Scripture abounds with Inflrudions unto this purpofe, and Experience cordials it. And Profetfors of the Gofpel do but indulge unto pleafing dreams, when they fancy any other `condition in this world unto them- felves. They would not bewilling, I fuppofe to purchafe it, at the price of Incon- formity unto JefusChrifl. And he -is a Prefident unto us in trailing, as well as in fu¡fering. As he betook himfelfunto the protection of God, fo Mould we doalibi and we ¡hall have the fame bled fucceßwith him. There remains yet one2eJtimony More, which we ¡hall briefly pars through the con- fiderationof. Behold Iand the children whichGod bath given me. It is taken from Ifa. 8. 1S. That it was a Prophecy of Chri(I which is there infilled on, we have proved at large in our Prolegomena; fo that we neednot here again farther todif- courfe that matter. That which the Apoille aims at in the citation of this Teilimo- ny is farther to confirm the Vnionin nature,'and the Relation that enfues thereupon, between the Captain of falvatian,. and the Sons to be brought unto glory. Now as this is fuch, that thereonhe calls themBrethren, ând came into the famecondition of trouble with them,fo they are by the Grant and Appointmentof God, bis children. Being of the famenature with them, and fo meet to become a common Parent unto thanall, God by an ad ofSoveraign Grace,givesthem unto him for hischildren. This is the aim ofthe Apoille, in the ufe of this Teflimony unto his perlent purpofe. In the words themfelves wemay confider, Fiat, ThatGod gives all theSons; thatare to be brought untoglory, to Jefus Chrif.. The Lord hathgiven them unto me. Thine they were, faith he, and thou gaveft them unto me, yam 17.'6. God having feparated them, as his peculiarPortion in theEternal Coun- fei ofhis Will, gives them unto the Son to take care of them, that they may be pee- -ferved and brought unto the glory that he had defigned for them. And this work he teflifies that he undertook, fo that none of them (hall be loft, but thatwhat ever difft- culties they may palsthrough,he will raifi them` up at the laft day, and give them an entrance into Life and Immortality. Secondly, He gives them to him as his children ,to he providedfor ; and have an Inhe- ritance purchafed for them, that they may become Heirs of God and Coheirs with himfellf Adam was their firfl Parent by nature; and inhim they loft that Inheritance, which they might haveexpected by the Law of theirCreation. They are therefore given to the fecond Adam as their Parent by Grace, to have am inheritance provided for them, which accordingly he hath purchafedwith the Price of his Blood. Thirdly, That the LardChrilt isfatisfted with, and rejoyceth in the portion given him of bisFather, his Children his Redeemed ones., This the mannerof the Expref lion in- Mans us in. Behold Iand the children ; thoughhe confidershimfelf and them at that time as figns and wonders to be fpoken againfh He rejoyceth in his Portion, and doth not call it Chabul, asHiram did the Cities given him of Solomon, becaufe they difßleafed him. He is not onlyfatisftedupon the fight ofthe travail of his foul, Ifa. 53.1e. but glorieth allo,'that thelines are fallen unto him in pleafantnejs, that he bath a goodly he- rirage, Pfal. 16.6. Such was his Love, fuch was his Grace, for we in our felves are a people not to bedefired. Fourthly, That the Lord Jefus affames the children given bim, of his Father into the fame conditionwith himfelf, both asto Life and Eternity. Iand the children ; as be is, fo . are they; His lot is their lot; his God istheir God, his Father their Father ; and his Glory (hallbe theirs. Fifthly, From theContext of the words in the Prophet, expreffing the feparation of Chrifl and theChildren from the world,andall theHypoerites therein combined together in the purfuit oftheir finfulcoutfes ; we are taught, that Chrift and believers are in the fame Covenant, confederate to tra/I inGod indifficulties and troubles, in oppofition unto all the confederacies of the men of the world,for their carnal fatuity. And thus by this Triple Tefiimonybath the Apoflle both confirmed his foregoing Af- fertion; and farther manifefted the Relation that is between the children tobe brought unto Glory, and the Captainof their falvation, whereby it became righteous thathe thould fuller for them, andmeet that they (hould enjoy the benefit of his Çuffer- ings ; which he more fully the following ITerfr, Ffff vale