2 6o Expofition of the C ta A P. H. Verfe X I V, X V. THe'Union of Chritl and the Children in their Relation unto onecommon root and participation of the fame nature being affected, the Apoffle proceeds todeclare the Ends, Ufeand Neceffity ofthat 'Union, in refpc of the Werkwhich God had'de- tigned himunto, and the Ends which he had to accomplith thereby. Of there, Two he layeth down in thefe twoVerfes, namely, the Deffrnüionof the Devil, and the De- livery thereby of them that were in Bondage by Reafon of Death ; neither of which could have been wrought,nor efl`eded, butby the Death of the Captain of falvation ; which hecould not have undergone, not would, what he could otherwife have done, been profitable unto them, hadhe not been of thefame nature with the children; as will ap- pear in the opening of the words themfelves. Verfe 14, 15. q' 'ET.; liv 7d aätd'Iet xexo/rnpnxs çetsh . 4 u7toni&, áv74 nutuorTgaíae (aeotiNG , GVrwr iva á1d 7ö O oire xaTst)dtt b 7á xgá7®- txovia 7ä 9,047a, resíçt b ó/áßu ov. ]{al ärraO54 o ,í ot, 4ot 0'14 eavise, Sul orar7óh sa ÓV boxot :fray d'art«as E'aa 'tiv. ; 'Hag 1'v, V. L. guia ergo; Bez. quoniam ergo ; beoaufe therefore : Syr.11 'VD, for Peeing; or for becaufe. Eraf. Poffeaquam igitur; Ours ;,forafmuch then. i..d, is fometimes ufed for is'x poffquam, ex quotempere; from whence ; fo as to exprefs noCaufaliry as to that which follows, but only the Precedency of that which it relates unto. But it is not in that fenfe ufedwith h, which here is fubjoyned; but, quoniant, quando_ quidem ; the particle év, ( therefore ) plainly expreffing a Caufality ; they are well ren- dered by ours ; Forafmuch then, or therefore. Td aardlia T t 'Battfa x =.xotvrdvnxe oagxós rateeettB-. V. L. pueri communicaverunt carni &fn- xixo/vwvirx5 guini : The children communicated in flefh and blood. Syr. M1fl ; the fans were par- enrols x, takers ; or do partake : Eraf. Commercium babent cum carne 8 languine : have commu- a±µ[email protected] nion or commerce with ffefb and blood. Bez. Pueri participes funs carnit &fanguinis; the children are partakers of fiefh and blood; as Outs. The Vulgar expreffeth the time pall, which the Original requireth. IEtbiopick, He made his children par- takers of his flefb and blood: with refpeii as it fhould teem to the Sacrament of the Euchariff. Itagaaanet- Kai a'vrds oragaz>,noías äurruv, V. L. Et ipfi flmiliter (eonfmiliter A. M. )' as t 21tie. participavit eifdem. Bez. Ipf quoque confimiliter particeps faiiur ell eorundem ; as ours ; He alfa himflf took pars of the fame. And the Syr. N111D1B 111 WI .524 t tm rmz howl; he himfelf allo, in the fame likeneß ( or manner) was par- taker, or partook, in the fame, orfelf fame things. Arab. He alfn like unto them, par- took, in the properties of the fame. That is, truly partook of Flefh and Blood in all their Natural or Effential Properties. Æthiop. And be a f was made as a brother unto'them., `Iva hoe .3a- , `Iva Sts; 9avása ; Syr. t1i1V3 1' ; ut per mortem fuam; that by his own death, pro- vd7a perly as to the fare. xenrien íes, V. L. deffrueret; all other Latin Tranflations, Ke,7a43'íot. aboleret: that he might defiroy: fo ours: but to deffroy refpedls the Perlon; abolere, TI vta7Ps1- in the fìrtl place the Power. sir si xp.i7e '4ov74 iïr Bavá78; eum qui tenebat mortis £yov1a imperium. Syr. Eraf. Vu!. hint that held, or had the rule of death. Bez. eum penes quern ejf mortis robur ; him that had the power of death. Æthiop. the Prince of death. Tires: ñ 7'7áa 715 .tutam,or; Syr. 243I0t7 1t11t11Ai1 , which is Satan. xj daa7adEr, ( force ,A,Tor. n. ,. Co ies read asxasea x >Ì visas ;Vet; V. & liberaret eoo. Bez. & liberos redderet cos ; and free them, and make them free Syr. and laofe tbon. son'7autels pia' 77.V74 7 4ìo ; Per omne vivere fuum. Whilefi they lived: All their lives. 7tl "v" 'Evexo, ;far dvmies; Obnoxil erant fervituti: Bez. Mancipati erant fervifuti; da- p` ro- "E TH, perly, damnates erant fervitutis; obnoxious, f ub ecr unto bondage.. Koevaela, Forafmuch then ar the Children are partakers of fiefh and blood. This Exprefflon is not elfewhere ufed in the Scripture : xottarIn, is to have any thing what ever in Common with another: .iswdvnr@, is he who hath nothing in feüowfhip or com- mon