=72 An Expofition ofthe CHAP IÎe filled in his Rulein the world, ascaft under finand death : From thishe was calf out ( 3abn 12.32. ) in the death ofChriff, when contending with him for the continu- ance ofhis Soveraignty, he was conquered, the ground whereon he food , even the guilt offin being taken away from under him, and his Title defeated. And ado- ally Believers are tranflated from under his Rule, from the Power of Darknefl, into the KingdomofLight, andof the Son ofGod. Nor can he longer Make ufe of death. as penal, as threatned in the curfe of the Law, to terrifie and affright the confciences of men ; for being juffifïed by faith in the death of Chrilt, theybave peace withGod, Rom. 5. 1. Chriftmaking Peacebetween God and us, by the blood of his Cìofs, Ephef. 2. 14 15. 2 Cor. 5. 19, 20, 21. the Weapons of this part of his Power are wrelted out of his hand ; teeing Death path no power to terrihe the confcieuce, but as itexpref- feth the curfe of God. And laífly, his final Execution of the fntence of death upon (inners, is utterly taken out of his hand by the death of Chritl, inafmuch as they for whom he dyed (hall never undergo death poenatLy. And thuswas Satan as to his power over death, fullydeJiroycdby the death of Chritf. And all dais depended on Gods lnthtution appointing the fatiefailory fufferings ofChtill, and accepting them inllead of the fufferings of the children themfelves. The Socinians give us another Expotition of their words as knowing that in- filled on to be no lets deffrudtive of theirError, than the death of Chrilt, is ofthe- power of the Devil. The,Reafon hereof, faithSchlitïingius, is, quia per mortemChri- Jfus adeptus eft fupremam poteftatem inamnia ; qua omnes inimicas fuos quorum caput elf diabolus ceercet, eorum vires frangit, eofque tandem penitus abolebit. But if this be fo, and the abolifhing of the power of Satan be an ad of Sovereign Power, then it was not done by the death ofGbrijl ; nor was there any need that he should partake of flejh and blood for that purpofe, or.dye. So that this Expofition contradidts both the expreßwards of the Apoftle, andalfu, the whole defign of his difcourfe : No propofition can be more plain thanthis is ; that the Powtr ofSatan was deftroyed by the death of Chrilt, which in this Interpretation of the words is denyed. 5. And hence it laftly appears, what was the Delivery that was procuredfor the chil- dren by this diffolution of the PowerofSatan. It refpedts both what theyfeared, and what eufued on their fear ; that is, Death andBondage. For the delivery here intend- ed, is not meerlyaConfèquent of the deflrudtion of Satan, but hath regard unto the things themfelves, about which the power of Satan was exercited. They were obno- xiousunto death on the Guilt of fin, aspeenal, as under the Corte, as attended with Hell, or everlaltingmifery. This he delivered the children from ; by making an At tenement for their fins in his death, virtually loofng their Obligation thereunto; and procuring for them EternalRedemption, as (hall afterwards be fully declared. Here- on alto they are delivered from the Bondage beforedetained. Thefear of deathbeing taLti away, the bondage that enfues thereon vanifhethalto. And thefe things, as they arcdone virtual!y and legally in the death ofChrilt ; fo they are adualy accomplilhed in and towards the children, uponthe Applicationof the death ofChrift unto them, when they dobelieve. And we may now dole our confideration of thefe Verles with one or two other Oblèrvations ; as, X. The death of Chriff through the wife and righteous dijpofalof God, it villorious, all, conquering, and prevalent. The aim of the world was to bring him unto death; and therein they thought they had done with him. The aim ofSatan wasfo alto ; who thereby. fuppofed he fhould have fecured his own Kingdom. And what could world- ly orSatanical Wifdom have imagined otherwife ? He that is flain is conquered. His own followers were ready to think to ; ¡Ye trolled, fay they, that it had been he who Jhould have redeemed 'floe!, Luke 24.21. But be is dead; and their hopes are with him in the grave. What can be expefded from him, who istaken, flain, crucified ? Can he fave others, who it teems could not favehimfelf? Per mortemalttribs, ffultum eft fperare falutem. Is it not a foolifh thing to look for life, by the death of another ? This was thatwhich the Pagans of old reproached the Corgi-jam. withal ; that they, believed inone that was crucified and dyed himfelf, and what could they expe6t from him ? And our Apo(lle tells us, that thisdeath, this Groff, was afiumbling block unto the Jews, and folly to the Greeks, r Cor. r. 18, 23. And fo would it have been in its felf, Alts 2.13. Chap. 4. z8. had not the Will and Counfel, and Wifdom and Grace of God been in it. But he ordered things fo, that this death of Chrit f , fhould pull out that pin,. whichkept together the whold fabrick of fin and Sathac