IT ERN Id. Ep/1Ietothe Ha$aaw.. 273 that likeSampfon, he thould in his death, pull down the pallare of ,ratan about his ears, and that indying he thould conquer and fubdue all things unto himfelf All theAngels ofHeaven flood looking on, to fee what wouldbe the end ofthis great trial. Men and Devils were ignorant of the great work which God had inhand. And whiles they thought they were deffroying him, God was in and by him dellroying them and' their power. Whilelt hisheel was bruited, he brake their bead. And this thould teach us, to leave all Gods works unto. himfelf: See John t a. 6, 7, Si 9, so. He can bring light out of darknefs, and meat out of the Eater. He can difappoint his ldver- facies of their greaten hopes, andfaire$ poflibihties, and raifeup the hopes ofhis own outof thegrave. Hecanmake fuffering toberaving ; death various, and heal us by tile (tripes ofhis Son. And in particular, it thould fir us up to meditate on this my/ferious workof his Love and Wifdom. We can never enough fearch into it; whilen our Enquiry is guided by his Word. New Mylteries, all fountains ofRe- frethment andJoy,will continually open themfclves untous, untill we come be to fatis- fledwith theendlefs fulnefs of it unto Eternity. Again, XI. One principal end of the deathafChrifl was to drfìroy the power ofSatan. To de- (troy him that had the power of death. This was promifed of old, Gen. 3. 15. He was tobreak the headof the Serpent. From him fprang all the miferies which he cameto deliverhis Elea from, and which could not be affeéted without the diffolu- tion of his Power. He was anointed to proclaim liberty to the Captives, and the opening the Prifon to them that werebound, Ifa. 61. -1. To thisEnd he was to conquer him, who detained them; which he didby his death, Col, a. 15. and fo lead Captivity Captive, Pfalm6'8.18. filling this enemy andfelf-avenger, Pfal.8.3. binding theJìrong man,Mat.t 2. anddividing the Poi! with him, Ifa, 53.1x: And this he did by the merit ofhis blood, and the Attonement he made for fin thereby. This took away the Obligation of the Law untodeath, and difarmed Satan. And moreover, by the Power of the Eter- nal Spirit whereby he offered himfelf unto God, he conquered and quelled him. Satan laid his claimunto the Perfon of Chrift; but coming to put it in Execution, he met with that great and hidden Power in him, which he knew not, and was utterly conquered. And this as it gives us a particular confideration of the Excellency of our Redemption, whereinSatan our old Enemy, who firf foyled us, who alwayes hates us, andPeeksour ruine, is conquered, fpoiled and chained ; fa it teacheth us how to contend with him, bywhat Weapons to refill his Temptations, and to repell his Affrightments ; even thofe whereby he hath been already fubdued. Faith in the deathof Chrilt, is theonly Way and Means of obtaining a Conqueft over him. He will fly at theSign of the Croftrightly made. Verte XVI. HvAving affected the Incarnation of the Lord Chriff, the Captain of our falvation, 11and (hewed the necefityof it, from the Endswhich were to be accomplilhed by it, and therein giventhe Reafon of his concefion, that be was for a feafon made left than the Altgels: TheApollle proceeds in thisVerfee, to confirmwhat he had taught before, byTeffimony of theScripture, andaddran efpecial Amplification of the Grace ofGod in this whole Difpenfation, from the confideration of the Angels, who were not made partakersof the like Love and Mercy. Veife