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274 Q./In Expofition of the Verfe 16. GEA 'Ov 1*' Areas, eiyys5mr SII1Td/AßáV£741, dOsi a9ff(<at& 'Aßpn4o 470.4µßíy.4141. 'ov >8 Ems. 'O,, yS J eu : The Syrisch, quite omits ,Pti7u, and reads only II Id?, non enim ; for hedid not. V. L. nufquam enim. TB, he renders ufquam, any where ; and on thecon- fiderationof the negative particle, x nufquam,no where ; Beza,non cairn 'utique ; asOurs fir verily (he took) not ;. not reachingthe force, or ufe of didwee, ; Arias; non enim videlicet; which anfwers not the intent of this place. Erafmusfully and properly ; non enim faneufquam ; for verily not any where. That is in no place of the Scripture, is any fuch thing te(tiñed unto; which way ofExpreffion we obferved our Apoftle to E r0.4µß4_ ufe before, Chap. 1. 5. vast. 'Ayy&Tdy ti ctma ogioeaa,, Syr. 70) 1470240 . rO, ex Angelis affumpfit, he took not -..of, or from, amongtheAngels ; that is, of their nature: V. L. Arias, angelo: apprehendit; he doth not take hold ofAngels. Beza, Angelos affumpfit: he affumed not, he took not Angels to himfelf; 4wto4413áv£rat, for 4 r Tape, by an Ensilage of time: which ours follow, He took not on him thenature ofAngels. But this changeof the Tenfe isneed- Iefs. For theApoftle intends not to exprefs what Chrift baddone, but what the Scrip- ture faith andteacheth concerninghitn in this matter. That no where affirms that he takes boldof Angels. The remaining words aregenerally rendered by Tranflators according to theAna- logie of theft. Sed apprehendit, affumit, affumpft, femenAbrah, he laid hold of, be taker, he took thefeed of Abraham : only the .l<;'thiopick reads them ; did he not exalt thefeed of Abraham: departing from the fenfe of the words, andof theText. The conftant ufe of this word iTsAasAßdite, in the NewTellament is to takeholdof. And fo in particular it is elfewhere ufed inthis Epi(fle, Chap. 8. 9. iwt.aßoµhoc a. 'TVs xapdo äv7Y, in the day that I took them by the hand. In other Authors, it is fo va- rioufly ufed, that nothing from thence can be determined, as to its precife lignifica- tion, in this, or any other place. The fleet and proper fenfe of it is acknowledged to be, to take boldof, asit were with thehand. And however the fenfe may be in- terpreted, the Word cannot properly be tranflated any otherwife than to take. For what forcecontend, that theEffe& or end of taking holdof, that is, tobelp, tovindi- cate into liberty, whence by Cafialio , it is rendered .opitulatur, yet it belongs to the defign of the place, not the meaning of the word, which in theBrit place is to be refpe6ted. Verfe r6. For verily not any where loth be ,take Angels , but he takes the 'feed of Abraham. In the words, there in firft the Reference that the Apanlemakes unto fomewhat elfe, whereby that whichhe deelareth is confirmed. For verily not any where : that is, that which he denyeth in the following words, is no where taught in the Scripture; as Chap. 7.5. For unto which of the Angels faidhe at any time; That is, there is no Tefii- mony extant in the Scripture concerning them to that purpofe. So here; no =here la it fpokenin the Scripture, that Chrift taketbAng,e r. And what is fie Jpoken, he es faid to do. And thus altothe Affirmative claufeof his Proposition, bat he takeob the feed ofAbraham, is to bereferred to theScripture. There it is promifed, there it is fpoken, and therein it is done by him. Secondly, That which he afferteth hack the natureof a difcrete axiom, wherein the fame thing is denyed, andaffirmed of the di/prates expreffed, and that univocal' in the fame fenfe; he tooknot Angels, but he took the feed of Abraham; And this, we being referred to the Scripture for the proofand confirmation of, gives light andperfitl under- "landing into the meaningof the words. For how dothChrist in the Scripture take thefeed ofAbraham, infach.a fenfe as that therein' nothing,is fpoken of him in reference unto Angels : his evident, that it was, inthat he was of the; 'Verity of Abraham ac- cording to the tiefh;. that he was promifed toAbraham, that he fhould be of his feed, yea, that he Mould be bis feed; as Gal. 3.6. This was the great Principle, the great Expectation,