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2,$o An Expo(tion ofthe C rI A r_II: eASxelgek, Eral. Bez. The Syriack fomewhat otherwife, 741017 31Ï morn 7 2:19)1, that he might be merciful,and agreat Prieff,or chief Prieft ; talwrf0, faithful in the things ofGod3 fomaking his mercifulneßan attribute ofhis Perlon abfo1utely; andfaithfulnefl only to refpe&him as ail High Priel. Soall() theArabickand ÆthiopickAnd the word whereby é.aiipa', is tendered, lignifies tenderly merciful; with that kind of mercy which is cal- led bowels of compaf/lon, from onl. And it may be here obferved, that that Inter- preter throughout theEpiflle renders .lexipeúc by ís1017 31, RabComae,/ ; though that word bealwayes ufed in an ill fenfe in the Old Teftament. Three times it oc- curs therein, t Rings 23. 5. where we render it Idolatrous Priels, Zeph.r.q.. the name Chemarimsis retained, Hof so. 5. we exprefs it by Priefis, but place Chemarinus in the Margen. For it principally denoted the Hefts ofBaal and Moloch, and their blacknefs ( as the word is rendered, Job 3. q. ) not from the garments they wore, but from the colour they contra&ed in their diabolical Sacrifices in the fire. Hence where ever the word 177, is applyedunto a Prieft of a falfe God, or one engaged in falfe Woe- fhip,the Targumiftsconftantly render it by 281017, fee yudg. 17.5. Chap. r8.q..30. But thisTranflator refpe&ed not fo much the ufe, as the original' and extra&ion of the word : for from 107, in Niphal 107), is to wax bot, and tobe moved with inter- nal heat, whence it is taken to fignifie Compafon andpiny, the famewithí=r11.; hence beut. 13. 17. 1=310011 join, and (hall give thee tender mercy, bowels ofcorn- paf$on, isrendered by Ben.Vzziel, 71)t`1ÿ =try, 7'091 :1T47p 11071, and(hall ;pax hot towardsyou, with compafon, andfhallbave compafon onyou. He (hall be warmed and moved with compaflion towards you. In like manner is the word ufed, Platen 7. 1o. With refpe& unto this heat of Affe&ions and abundant Compaffion , the Wordmay well be applyed unto the Lord Chrift our HighPriel. 11114 rDe Tá spó5 r» Oslo: V. ad Deum. Pontifex ad Deum: an High Prief$ towards God. 0th'. Very defe&ively. Erafi in his que apedDeum forent agenda, in the things that were to he done beforeGod : fo alto Reza, notingforent agenda, as a fupplement unto the Text. SoVatablui and others. Syr. A relí:1], in the things of God. The Apoftle explains his ownmeaning, Chap.q.r. wherehe tells us, that every High Prieff, waeísa7di seere/e$ Got, Tr.t legoòplgx, is fit over the thing; appertaining unto God ; that be mayoffer Sacrifice. In thingseippertaing unto God : what he hath to do withGod in theirbehalf for whom he nunifiers in his Office before him. Arab. res aerie apedDeum peragens. 'E15 71 ú.ío- 'Rif sD h dwt.,ra0 sá5 á50ap7(at 7; Ma, V. ut repropitiaret delitïa populi : aiming to ro40. exprefs the fenfe Of the Original, it falls upon a barbarous word, yielding no tole- rable fenfe; though that which Teems tobe intendedin it, is to make Propitiation or Attonement. Ar. Vatab. Eraf Bez. ad expiandum: Steyr. t20ÿ1 mar Sÿ 220110, ex- pians fuperpeccata populi ; fo the word is confiantly tranflated, though it rather ligni- fies to (hew mercy or pity. imioxuaay iscommonly ufed aBively, for propitinm facio, ór propicio,to pleafe,appeafe, attone, turn away anger; and when it is taken in a Paffeve or Neuter fenfe, it lignifies to be merciful, appealed, reconciled, as LullrS. 13. D oat imams 5050 a l .i(aap7oi5, God be merciful unto me a (inner. Imuch doubt whetherany int}ante can be given of its fignifying to expiate, thoughbecaufe of the conftruldion of it in this place, itbe generally forendered. If it be taken in its fir(t proper folk, then fin cannot be the next objeB of the A£3 denoted by it. Ours, to make reconcilia- tion for the fins of the people ; of the fenfe whereof we (hall deal afterwards at large. Er i, In es enim, V. fir in tlìat i Eraf nam ex hoc; for from hence Reza, nam ex ea; Vat. ex eo ; ob id : ours, forin that; that is, inafmuch ; not, in thatthing wherein he was tempted, but, whereas, inafmuch, feting that ; Arab.for from thofi things which happenedunto himwhen be mat tempted. Meow á,7D5 srs,ga3.4, V. pafus elf ipfe tentatus, in which himfelfftfëred and was tempted. (Et) Erafmus tell us is not in many ancient Copies ; Ar. in quo palfus eft ipfe tentatus : inthat he fnfred himfelf being tempted: Bez. ex eo quod perpefrus ipfe fuit, quum elf tentatus ; for that which he fuffered when he was tempted. But the words rather liignifie bis fufferings by being tempted, or from his temptations, than his fuffering onother accounts when he was tempted. Syr. for in that he ft f reel andwas . tempted; as the Vul. Eraf. quad ipfi cómigit tentatum effe', that it befell him to be tempted. Laying thewhole uponTemptation, becaufe in the latter claufe mention is madeof them that are tempted, without any additionof Miring,. It is not certain whether at,.or&a, be from,ra''n,.,,ior from uorai, fromwholeaetive zsalotiwa, themiddle.fignif- catiún in aíaora, is found, and ofaorear by an ufual Pleonafine of Theta; and ifCo, not '@, w. 17ísoVOe.