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V IL R. 17, IS. , plfile t0 the fie t k E w s. not his füreering, but his labouring under temptation is intended. 'If, as it ás com- inonly thought, it be from 7dmee, I confess that word is fomerftries ufed as it is here rendered by Era'fmus, accidit, contigit, ufu vent, it happened, it befell ; but it is but rarely, and that not without regard unto fuffeeing. But it being evident that the fufferingofChrift is here intended, his Temptationbeing mentioned only as an in- flameof that whereby he fuffered, that is, not to be palled over, and the fenfe carried on unto his Temptation only. He fuffered being tempted. nt,táV, , is in it Pelf but to IIet c,e5eie. make a trial or Experiment. But this being done from various Principles by sundry Means, for different Ends, and upon diverfe Subjeäs, there is a great difference in fach tryals ; and great variety in the Nature ofTemptations. How the Lord Chrift was tempted,by whom,and ofwhat fort his Temptations were,we lhall confider after- wards. The . thiop. reads, when he tempted him, and aflitted him ; that is, God. Adaleee Conlñoar. V. patens elf â eis qui tentantur auxiliari. (â) again is added, titillant. but retained by Beza, as not copulative, but emphatical; potest & tit qui tentantur Jùe- currere; he can, or is able tohelp, relieve, fuccour. ßioeiee, is properly ;ml ßoñv Bsd ,'to run in to the cry of any one, that is, to help and relievehim in his diftrefs, tocome fpee- dily, and as it were in haft, to the help of him that cryeth out in danger. So Thuci- elider; ;rot y aoît 'A6svaíou bßeßes3dxseat , These came in to the help of the Athenians ; (in their difirers.) And this is the direfk fenfe of the word in this place, as it re- fpeéts them that are diftreffed under the power ofTemptation ; crying out forhelp. And it is plainly expreffed in the Latin fuccurrere, andour fuccour taken from thence. So Cheyfoffom interprets theft words, Stharat (30)16i POI µsad e z ha vrtolv5íar opiEst ywt o begives out his bandunto themwith ailreadinefl. a t Verre 17, 18. Wherefore (hence) it behoved him to (it was meet he should) be made like unto his (the) brethren in all things, (every manner of way ) that he might be a mercifull and faithful] High Priefl in the things of ( pertaining unto ) God, to make reconcileetion for the fins of the people. For in that ( whereas ) he bath suffered being ( when he was) tempted, he is able to fuccour, (come in to the help of) them that are tempted. in theft two Vert-es, the Apostle illustrates what he had taught before ; and con- firmswhat he had affectedconcerning theSons participation of fle(h and blood, in like manner with the children, from one especialEnd thereof. And this End is, his being an HighPriefl, which that the Walt was to be, both the Hebrews granted, and he himfelf intended more largely afterwards todemonfirate. Moreover, he was to be such an High Priest, aswas Celled and fuited for the difchargeof his Office, unto the benefit of them, for whofe good he was to minifter therein. This the Wifdom of God, and the Nature of the thing it felf doth require. Now they being perfons obnoxious untoTemptations and fufferingsof all forts, he muff in an especial manner beable, to help, relieve and fave filchPerron. And all this the Apostle declaresits theft Verses ; in the opening whereof we mayconfider, s. The importanceof the illative exprefftonin theentrance; wherefore, or hence. 2. The neceflity intimated of what is here affigned to the Mellish; it behoovedbim; or it was meet that he should. 3. What the Apofile repeats and reafferts ; namely, that he was in allthings, or ever, manner of way, to be made likeunto his brethren ; or, 4. The general Endof this his neceffary conformity unto the brethren; that he might be a mercifuland faithfulHigh ?Heft. 5. The efpecial work and end of that Office, which he was foprepared for ; in the things of God,to make Reconciliation for the fins of thepeople. 6. A farther enforcement of the neceffity of the foregoing affection ; taken from a doubleconfideration. s. Ofwhathe did, or what befell him, in the condition wherein hewas made like unto the Brethren: be fuferedbeing tempted; or whenhe was tempted. 2.Of