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2,$4 An Sxpoftion of the Cu A PM. his dutyaccording unto the Mind andWillof God, was all that was requiredof hint as to hisbeing an High Priefi. But this was not all that the etiate and condition of the Brethren required. Their forrows, tendernefs, weaknefs, miferies, difconfolati - ons are.fuch, that if therebe not a contemperation of his fsbtime Holinefl, and ab- blute perfetion infulfilling of all Righteoufnefs, with Come Qualifications enclining him toCondefcenfion, Pity, Compaffion, and tender fenfe of their condition, what ever might be the iffue of their fafety in the life to come, their Comforts in this life, would be in continual hazard. For this caufe therefore was he made like unto them in the infirmitiesof their nature, their Temptations and Sufferings, from whence all theirdifconfolarions and forrows do arife. Bruce was theneceffity of the gualifica- lions for his Officewhich by his fufferings andTemptations hewas furnifhed withal; and they are two: Firft, Mereifulnefs ; he was tureaar, merciful, tenderly compaianate, as the Syriac([, Verfion renders the word; mifericors ; one that layes all the mileries of his people to heart; fo caring for them, to relieve them. Mercy in God is but a naked fimple Ap- prehenfionof mifery, made Rffetive by an atfk of his holy Will to relieve. Mercy in Chrilt is acatepaffion, a condolency, andhath a movingof pity and forrow joyned with it. And this was in the HumaneNature of Chrilt a Grace of the Spirit in all perfe- Ldion. Now it being fuch a Vertue, as in the operation of it , deeply affets the whole foul and body álfo, and being incomparably more excellent inatilt, than in all the Sons ofmen, it muR needs produce the fame effets in him , wherewith in others in lefferdegrees it is attended. Thuswe find him at all times full ofthis Com- palfion andpity towards all the Sons ofmen, yea, the wont of his enemies, expref- fing it felfby fighs and tears, intimating the deep companionof his heart. And this made him, asit were even forget his own miferies in his greateft diftrefs, whenfeeing the Daughters of3erufalemmourn for him, ashe wasgoing to his Crofs, he minds them of that which his compallïonate heart was fixed on, even their approaching mifery and ruin; Luke a3. zS. But yet neither is this Mercifulnefs in general that which the Apoftle intends ; but he confiders it, as excited, provoked, and drawn forth by his own temptations and fufferings. He fuffered and was tempted, that he mightbe mer- ciful, not abfolutely, but a merciful High Priefl. TheRelation ofthe Sufferings and Temptations ofChrilt untohis Mercifulnefs, is not as unto the Grace, orHabit of it, but as unto its efpecial Exercife as our HighPrieti. And thismercifulnefs ofChrift is, the gracious Condolency andCompaffion of his whole foul with his people in alltheir temptations, fufferings, dangers, fearsand forrows, with a continual propenfity ofWill andAffections unto their Relief, implanted in him by theHoly Ghoft, as one of thole Graces which were to dwell in his nature in allfulnefs, excited and provoked, as to. its continualexercife inhis OfficeofHighPriell,bythe fenfe and experience, which he himfelfhad of thole Miferies which they undergo ; whereof more on the Lau Verfe. Secondly, The other f alification mentioned, is that he fhould be wirer,faithful. Some underhand byafr@, virus, legitimas, true and rightful; made fo in a due manner, whereof the Apofile treatsexprefly, Chap. 5.5. Others, hisgeneral Faithfulnefs, Inte. grity,and Righteoufnefs in thedifcharge ofhis Office, being faithful unto him that ap. pointedhim, as Chap. 3. 2. But neither ofthere fenfes anfwer the efpecial defign ofthe Apofile,nor his referringof this Lualification untohis conforgiity with theBrethren in futlèrings and temptations. It mull anfwer that mercifulnefl which wehave be- foredefcribed. It confilis therefore in his exat, confiant, careful confederation of all theconcernments of theBrethren under their temptations and fufferings. Thishe is excited unto by his ownExperience ofwhat it is to fern God infilch acondition. It isdefcribed, Ifa. qo. r r. Nothis Faithfulneflthen ingeneral, whereby hedifcharged his wholeOffice, and accomplished the work committed unto him; mentioned, Jahn 17.4. but hisconfiant Care andCondefcenfion unto the Wants and Sorrows of his fuffering and tempted Brethren,ishere intended. Before we proceed unto the Explication of the remaining paffages of there Verfit, what offers it felf from whathath been alreadydifcourfed unto our In(truilion, may.be obferved : As, 'Firft,TherramifidMef/iab was to be the great HighPrîeft of the people of God. This theApo(ile here prefumes and proveselfewhere. And this wehave elfewhere con- firmed. The efpecial Office of Priefthood, for one to perform it in the behalf of others, came in afterfin, upon the firft Promife. In the Bate of Imwcin y every one was