V E R. 17e IS. EpiIlle t6 the H s s 1z s VV s. 285 was to be Pried for himfelf, or perfórm in his own name the things which with God he had to do according unto the Lawof his Creation. This priviledge failingby fin, which cut offall gracious entercourfe between God and man, a new way was pro- vided and included in the firfs Promife for thetranfa6kion of things between God and finners. This wasbyChriJt alone, thepromifed feed. But becaufe he was not to be itñmediately exhibited in the fled], and it was the will of God that fundry Sacrifices (hould be offered unto him, partly for his Honour and Glory in the world and to teltifie thefubjeetion ofhispeople unto him, partly to teach and intiruet them in the Nature and Benefits of the Prielthoódwhich.he had defigned for them, and to exem- plifte it in fach Reprefentations as they were capable of, he did at fveral feafons in(ti tute various forts of temporary fading typical Priefts; this he did both before and after the Law. Not that ever there was among(t them a Prieft properlyand abfolutely fi called, by whom the things ofmen might be conplëtely and ultitnatcly tranfaéted with God. Only thofe who were appointed to admimfler before the Lord in the behalf ofothers, were called Prielts, as Rulers are called gods ; becaufe they reprefented the true Prieff, and outwardly exprelfed his aftings unto the people. The true, pro- per, and abfolute High Pried, is Jefus Chrifl alone, the Sonof God ; for he alone had all thefolemnities that were neceffary for the conditution and confirmation of fuch .a Pried. As inparticular, the Oath" of God was neceffary hereunto, that his Pried- hood might be fiable and unchangeable. Now none' was everappointed a Pried by theOath ofGod, but Chriltalone, as the Apofle declares, chap. 7. zq, zl. And how this differences his Officefrom that ofothers, (hall on that place be made mauifeft. a. He alone had fimewhat of hisown to offer unto God ; other Prielts had fomewbat to offer, but nothing of their own ; only they offered up the beafts that were brought unto thembythe people. But the Lord Chri(t had a Body and Soul ofhis own prepared him toofr, -which was properly his own and at his own difpofal, chap. to. 5. 3. He alone was fet aver the wholeffiritual Houle ofGod, the whole Family ofGod in heaven and earth. This belongs unto theOffice of a High Pried, toprefrde inand over the Houfe ofGod, to look to the rule,and difpofal ofall things therein. Now the Prielts of old were, as unto this part of their Office, confined unto the material Houfeor Temple of God ; but Jefus Christ was fet over the whole fßiritualHoufe of God to rule and difpofeof it, chap. 3.6: 4. He aloneabides for ever. The true and real High Pried was not to minilter for oneAge or Generationonly, but for thewhole people of God" unto - the endofthe world. And this Prerogative ofthe Priellhood ofChrift the Apoftle in- fifts upon, chap:7.231 z.f . 5. He alone did, and could do the true and proper work of a P.rie}l; namely, make reconciliationforthefins ofthe people. TheSacrifices of other Prielts could only reprefent what was to be done, the thing it felf they could not effeft ; for it wasnot poffible that the bloodofbulls and goatsfhould take awayfin, as the Apoftle (hews, chap. 10.4. but this was done effeâually by that one offering which this High Pried of- fered, verfe is, la, 13, 14: All which things mull be afterwards infilted on in their proper places, if God permit. This then is his Prerogative, this is our priviledge and advantage. II. The affumption of our nature, and his conformity unto us therein, was prin. eipaly neceffary unto the LordJefus, on the accountof his being an High Fruit for us. It behoved him tobe made like unto us, that he mightbe an High Pried ; it is true, that, as the great Prophet ofhis Church he did inpart teach and infiruet it, whilft he was in the dells in his own Perlon : but this was in a manner a meet, confequence of his affuming our nature to beour High Pried. For he intrudedhis Church before and aF ter principallyby his Spirit. And this he mighthave done to the full, though he had never beenincarnate. So altomight hehave ruled it with fupremePoweras its.King and Head. Butour High hid without theaffumption of our nature hecould not be, betntslb witheut this hehad nothing to offer ; and of necef(ity, faith the Apoftle, . he mull have fomcwhat to offer unto God. APried without aSacrifice is as aKingwith- out a Subje6t. HadnotGobprepared him á body, he couldhave had nothing to offer., Hewas to have a felf tooffer to God, or his Priefthood had been in vain. For God had (hewed that no other Sacrificewould be accepted, or waseffel ual for that each whichwas defignedunto this Office. On this therefore is laid the indtfpenfible aeref- fityofthe IncarnationofChri(i. lilt.Such was the unffieakable love of Cbtffl unto the Brethreni that' he would refufe .Iiii z netbing`