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2,86 An éxpofitíon of t he Cx A P. IL nothing, no condition, that masneedful tofit him for the difcharge of the workwhich he had undertakenforthem. Their HighPrielt he mull be, this he ,couldnot, unlefs'he were made life unto them in all things. He knew what this would colt him, what trouble, forrow, fuffering in that conforrnity unto them he muff undergo; what miferies he muff conflict withall all his life ; what a clofe wasto be put unto his pilgrimageonthe earth , what woull temptationshe was to pats through : all lay open andnaked before him. But Etch was his Love,thadowed out untous by that ofJacibto Rachel,that he-was content to fubmit unto any terms, to undergoany condition, fo that he might fave and enjoy his beloved Church. SeeEphef. 5. 25, 26. And furely he who was fo intenfé in his love, is no lets conf}ant therein. Nor hath he left any thing undone that was needful to bring us unto God. But weare yet farther to proceed with-our,explication ofthe words. V. TheApoltle having afferted thePriefthood of Chrift, defcribes in theffthplace the nature of the Office it fell,as it was veiled in him : and this he doth two ways. 1. By T,e it eç 74 general defcription ofthe Object ofit, or that whichit isexercifed about , Tà apòs Tav &ol,. .t ìe, the things appertainingunto God. 2. In a particular inftance taken from the end of his Priefthood, and the great work that he performed thereby, to makereconciliation for the fins of the people. rirfl, He was to bean HighPriefï in the thingspertaining unto God; that is, either in things that were to be done for God with men, as the Apoltle fpeaks, We are Ambaf- fadsrs for Chrift, as though God did betechyou by us, 2 Cor. 5.20. Or in things that were to bedone with God for men. For there were two general parts of the Office ofthe High Prielt : the one to pefide in the Houle and over the Worship of God, to do the things of God with men. This the Prophet affiges unto Jofhata the High Prielt, an cfpecial Type of Chrift, Zech. 3. 7. Thusfaith the Lordof hJtr, If thou wilt walk in my ways, and ifthouwilt I&cep my charge, then thoufhalt alfa judge my houle, and thou(halt alfi keep mycourts. And ofChrift himfelf, even he¡hall build the Temple of the Lord, and he(hallbear the glory, and /hallfit ,and ruleupon his throne, and he(hall be a prirff upon his throne,chap. 6. 13. that is, the High PrieJi ofourprofpion, chap. 3. t. He was let autho- ritativelyover the Houleof God, to take care that the wholeWorfhip of it were per- formed according unto his appointment, and to declare his Statutes and Ordinances tinto the people. And in this fenfe the Lord Chrift is allo theHigh Prielt ofhis Church, aà agat Tae Site, feeding and ruling them in the Name and Authority of God, Mich. 5. 4. Yet this is not that part ofhis Office which is here.intended by the Apoltle. The other part of theHigh Priefts Office was to perform the thingstoward God, which on the part ofthe people were to be performed. So Jethro advifethMofes, Exod. 18.19. atrt4 srt '71C =3)4 rinks rimy, Be thou unto the people before God; which words the LXX render, ,ip, nil T AMP nil ,i ie Tie osi,, in the phrafe here ufed by the Apoltle, Be thou unto thepeople in things appertaining unto God. And this was the principal part ofthe Office and Duty of the High Prieft, the other being only a confequent thereof. And that it was fo, as to the Office ofChrift, the Apoltle manifells inthe efpecial limi- tation wnich he adjoyns unto this general atfertion ; hewas an High Prielt in things appertaining unto God, be Ta laitssao, 7/if 4opoiaf aaê, to reconcile; that is, make reconciliation for thefins ofthepeople. Two thingsare to be confidered in there words : r. The Objeil ofthe Prieftly a6bion herealfigned to the Lord Chrift. z. The Auition it felt, which with refpedt thereunto he is laid to perform. The fish is, a t,uaf, thepeople ; that is, fay fome, thefeed of Abraham, whole interei in the Mediation of Chrift, and their priviledge therein, the Apoltle here minds them of, to provoke the Hebrews toconstancy in theirfaith and profeffion. And to alto they limit the term Brethren before ufed, not, as they lay, that the Elea` among the Gentiles are excluded, but that heexprefly mentions only the firft fruits in the Jews. But this fenfe is not neceffarily included inthe words ; the intention of the Apoltlein the expreffion is only togive Come light into the effect of the Priefthood of Chrift, from the Office ofthe High Prielt under the Old Telament,and the difcharge thereof. For as he had a peculiarpeople for whom he made attonement, fo alío hath Chrift, that is, all his Eldt. 'laa:xe 5x: 2. The Aïtion afcribed unto him is expreffed in thofe words, ac as lt,wsx esuTJs eds ec,xpuí- clua5síai; which want not their difficulty, the conftrui'tipis oftheVerb beingincon- as. talent with its native andproper fignihcation ; ¡Rào'awax is properly and ulually in all Writers, Sacred and others, to appeafe, to arcane, topleafi, to propitiate, to reeam file. But