:80 CHAP H. An Expofztson ((the Providenceof God certain feafonswhereinTemptations grow high, lirong, impetu- ous, and are even ready to ruine them. As Chrift had an Hour of Darkneß to cont withal fo have they alto. Such was the condition of the believing Hebrews, when Paul wrote this Epiftle untothem. Whatthrough Perfecution, wherein they endured agreat fight of Afiaions, and what through the Sedu Lions of falfe brethren, alluring them unto an Apoffacy unto Judaifin, and anacquiefcency in Mofaical Ceremonies, they were even ready tobe utterly ruined. Unto them therefore, and by them unto all others in the hke condition the Apoßle hath raped in his defcription of thole whom the Lord Chrift is ready tofuccoxr ; they are tempted ones. Thisis the proper llame of Believers. As Satan from what he doch, is called the Tempter ; fo theyYfrom what they endure, may be called theTemptedones. Their calling is to oppofe Temptations ; and their lives a conffid with them. The High Prieft having fuffered the like things with them, they have an affured ground of confólation in all their temptations and CuPerings. Whichhe confirms by what is added in the fecond place, namely, his ability tohelp them. Aúvaat. 2. Aúrarm, he is able. Now this Abilityis fuch, as arifeth from that peculiar merci- fulnefs, which he is dilpofed unto from that experience which he had of fuffering un- der Temptation. A Moral Power, not a Natural. It is not éGvafaf iviFyer,Kñ, an executive Power, a Power of working or operation, not a power of thehand, but ¡ilvaµtt avnaethrta, a Power ofheart and will, an Ability in readinefs of mind, that is here alligned untoChrift. It is this latter, and not the former that was a Confe- quent of his temptations and fufferings. Agracious, ready enlargednefs ofheart, and conftant inclinationunto the fuccour of them that are tempted, is the Ability here de- fsgned. For as this Power was originally and radically implanted in the Humaue Na- ture ofChrift, by the communicationof all habitual grace unto him, fo its next in- clination to exert it felf in (liftable Effess, with a confiant aétual excitation these- unto, he had upon the account of his fuffering in temptations. For, r.He had particular Experience therebyof the Weaknefs, Sorrows and Miferies of Humane Nature under the affaultsofTemptations; he tryed ir, felt it, and will ne- ver forget it. 2. His Heart is hereby enclined to Compallion, and acquainted with what it is that will afford Relief. In his Throne ofEternal Peace and Glory,he fees his poor Brethren labouring in that (torsi which with fo much travail offoul hit-lit-elf palled through, and is intimately affecîed with their condition. Thus Males Bits up the Ifraelites un- toCompallion unto Strangers, from the Experience they had themfelves of the for- rows of their hearts ; thou knoweß theheart of a granger. And theJews tell us, that the OrtON, or Officers thathe fee over the people in the Wilderncls were of thole Elders who were fo evilly entreated by the Taskmaflers in Agypt; that from their own fufferings, they might know how to exeecife tendernefs over their brethren now put under their rule. 3. ThisCompaflion moves and excites himunto their Relief and Succour. This is the proper effect of mercy and compaffion. It fris Power on work for the re- lief of them whole condition it is affeéted withal. So faid the. Hated ignara mali miferis fuccurrere dips. Being exercifedwithevils and troubles her fell,fhehad thence learned to relieve the mifera- hle fofar se fhe wasable. This is the Abilityafcribed unto our High Prieft. Corn- paflion, and Mercy anfing from anExperience of the fufferings and dangers of-Hu- mane Nature under Temptations, excitinghis Power for the relief of them thatare tempted. 3. Laftiy,TheAdvantage ofthe Brethren from hence lyes in thefuccourthat he is thus able toafford unto them. This in general, as we have (hewed , confifts in afeedy coming inwith relief unto themwho being in dilirefs do cryout, orcall for it. There are threethings that tempted Believers do Band in need of; and which they cry out for, (r. ) Strength to withland their temptations, that they prevail not again!} them : ( 2.) Canfolarion to fupport their Spirits under them. (3.) Seafonable Deliverance from them. Unto thrfe is the fuccour afforded by our High Priefl Baited ; and it is varioufly adminiltred unto them. As (r.) ByhisWord or Promiles : (2.) By his Spirit : and that, (.t. ) By communicatingunto them fupplies of Grace or fpiritual ftrength. (2.) Strong conflation. (3. ) By rebuking their Tempters and temptati- ons.