294, ein Expoftion,&c. C u A "JI. num for the cure Of this difeafe, the only means for fupportment,-deliverance and conquefi, namely, that we earneftly and conftantly apply our felves unto the Lord Chrift for fuccour, and that as our merciful High Friel}, who had experience of them. This is our duty uponour firfi furprizal with them, which would put a flop to their progrefs, this our Wifdom in their fuccefs and prevalency. What ever we do againa themwithout this, we drive not lawfully, and (hall not receive the crown. Were this more our praáice than it is, we fhould have more freedom from them, more fuccef; against them than ufually we have. Never any foul mifcarried under temptation, that cryed unto the Lord Chrift for fuccour in a due manner , that cry- ed unto him under a real apprehenfion of his danger , with Faith and Expe- áation of relief. And hereunto have we encouragement given us, by the great qualificationsof hisPerlon in this Office; he isfaithful, he is merciful, and that whichis the Effeá of them both, he it able; he is every way fufficient to relieve and fuccour poor tempted fouls. He hath a fufficiency ofCare,W ifdom and Faithfulnefs, to obferve and know the feafons wherein fuccour is neceflàry unto us : a fufficiency of7enderneft, Mercy and Compafíion to excite him thereunto ; a fufficiency ofPower to afford fuc- cour that (hall be effeáual ; a fufficiency ofAcceptation at the Throne ofGràce, to pre- vail withGod for fuitable fupplies and fuccour. He is every way able to fuccour them that are tempted ; to Himbe Praife and Glory for evermore. 012149.17.1