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44 citationsofTeflimonies out ofthe Old re/lament F1xercitatio V. Tetimonies cited by theApoffle out of theOld Teffamene. Compared with the Original and 7ranflatioru. Whence the Agreement offome of themwith that of the LXX T Here is not any thing in this Epiffle that is attended with more difficulty, than the Citation of the Teftimonies out of the Old Teffament that are made ufc of in it. Hence, Tome from their unfuitableneß, as they have fuppofed, unto the Authors purpofe, have made bold to call inqueffion, if notto rejeEf the Authorityof the whole. But whatconcerns thematter of them, and the Wifdom of ehe Apofile in their Application, it muff be treated on in therefpeftive places wherethey occurr, when we (hall manifeft howvain and caufelcfs are the trap- lions which havebeen laid againft them,andhow fingularly they arefuitedto the.proof of thofe ,Dotrines and Affertions, in the confirmation whereof; they are produced. But the Words alfo wherein they are exprefled, varying frequently from the Original, yeild Come difficulty in their Confederation.' And this concernmentof the ApofflesCi- tations to prevent a further trouble in theExpoftion its felf of the feveral places, may be previoufly confidered. Not that wefhall here explain and vindicate them from the Exceptions mentioned, which mutt onneceffity be done afterwards as occafion offers its felf; but only difcover in general, what refpeet the Apottles Exprefronr have unto the Original and the old Toanflations thereof, and remove fume falfe Inferences that have Seenmade on the confiderition of them. To this end I fhall briefly pafsthrough them all, and compare themwith the places whence they are taken. CHAP. I. 4. 2. ,yr?Hap. a. v. 5. ,70: ss a ov,i70 aóµseu yey6vnz. ot. Thou art mySon, this clay bave %Lai begotten thee; from Pfalm2. v.7. The wordsexaelly anfwerthe Original, with the only fupplyofthe Verb Subftanrive, whereof inthe Hebrew there is almoft a perpe- tualElipfrr. NnN+a And the fame are the Words in the Tranflation of the LXX. In the fame Verfe, 4yá ieoam iwgl sit eravSpa, +ÿ dn'ae Isa µa .ls 451,. T will be unto bim a Father, and be (hall be unto me a Son ; from t Chron. chap. 22.1. lo. TheLXX. otherwife as to the order of the Words ; to ira, not e4. 4í0, 434 iroye., ¿i,nS are orali¢*; which alto is the order of theSentences in the Original; the Apottle ufing his own liberty, and varying from them both s fo that this 2notation is not dire kly from that Tranflation. Ver. 6. e apooxuvnadíwoav áv y1.aáonu dyyeaor 6s. ` And let all theAngels of God Wor- _hip óiim ; From P.P. 97. v.7. without change; only C1 ri* Gods, is rendered by the Apffle ñyysai, itS, the Angels ofGods of the Reafon whereof; afterwards. The LXX. apoa.vví onss dv'rul 'eciPTec eiyysr.oc á10â; Worfhip him all ye hisAngels, differing from the Apoffle both in forth ofSpeech and Words. HenceTome not. underftandiug whence this Tefìimony was cited by the Apoffle , have infested his words into the GreekBible, Dent. 32.0.43. where there is no colourfor their introduebon, nor any thing in the Original to anfwer unto therme whereas thePfalmifl exprefly treateth of the fame fub jeet with theApoille ; to the reafonof which infectioninto the,Greek,Yerfion we flail fpeak afterwards. Ver. 7. a rup'0 ,M.) áw4>,es 405 Btai¡daTa {ÿ 5xti 2e.2.11,4 ä1T; Mirth gníya ; who mäkethhis Angels Spirits, and his;Minifters a flame of fire. From Pfal. 104. v. 4. The LXX. aú, eríy.v, aflamingfire. lieb. 1?Cit7 it7N fire of flame. Aquila "St .aéßpcv, avehe- meiufire. Symmacbtu ustiono eaiya, a fiery flame; much variety, with little or no difference, ay it oftenfalls out amongfî good Tranflatnrs rendrmg peculiar Hebraifmr, fuch as this is. The Apoffles expreffion ishis own, not borrowed from theLXX. Ver.