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Y4 Onenef of the Church ExercitatioVI. Oneneflof the Church. Miffs/e-of the Jews about the Nature of the Promifis. Promifeof the Meffiah the Foundation of the Church. But as including the Covenant. The Church confinedunto the Perfon and Pofferity ofAbraham. His Call and Separation for a double End. Who proper the SeedofAbrahain. Mhloo es of the Jews about the Covenant. Abraham the Father of the faithfuland Heir of the world on what account. The Church f&Uthe' fame. He Jews at the Time of writing this Epiffle, ( and their pofterity in all fisc- ceeding Generations,. follow their Example and Tradition ) were not a little confirmed in their obtinacy andunbelief,by a mifapprehenfion of the true fenfe and nature OdlePromif sof the Old Teflament. FOr whereas they found ma- ny glorious Promfis made unto the Church inthe daysof the Mo)Tab, efpecially.concer- ning thegreat accefs of the Gentiles unto it they lookedupon themfeives, the pof erity_ ofAbrahamon the account of their beinghis children according to the fleth, as the brit, proper, and indeed only fìibjeu`t of them,. unto whom in their accomplifhment others were to be profelyted and joyned, the fubftance and foundation of the Church remaining frill with them. But the Event anfwerednot their expe&ation. Intlead ofinheriting all the Promifes. meetly upon their carnal intereft and priviledge, which they looked for, and continue fo to dounto this day, they found that themfIves mutt come in on .ä new account, to, be sharers in them in common with others, or be rejected, whileft thofe others were admitted unto the inheritance. This filled them with wrath and envy, which greatly added to the ftrengthening of their Unbelief. They could not bear with patience an intimation ofletting out-the h'inyard to other Husbandmcn. With this Principle and Prejudice of theirs the Apoffle dealt directly in his Epifile to theRo- mans, Chap. 9, so, Ir. On the fame grounds he proceedeth with them in this Epifrle ; And becaufe his Anfzver to their Objee`tion from the Promifes, lyes at the foundationofmany ofhis rea- fonïügswith them thenatureof -itmuff be here previoufly explained. Not that I fhall here enter into a confideration of the Jews Argument to prove the Meffiah not yet to become, becaufe the Promifes in their fenfe of them, are not yet accomplifhed,which shall be fully removed in the ClsJe of theft Difeourfes, but only as I faid, open the nature in general of that Anfwer which our Apsfile returns unto them,. and builds his Reafon- ings with them upon. 2. We (hall have occafionafterwards at large toPhew, how after the entrance offin, God founded his Church iu the Promife oftheMeffiah given unto Adam. Now though that Promife was the fitpportment and incouragement of mankind to Peek the Lord, a Promifeabfolutely confidered proceeding from niter Grace and Mercy,yet as it was the foundation of the Church, it included in it the natureofa Covenant,vertuallyrequiring a re- tipulation unto obedience in them whoby faith come to have as intereft therein. And this the nature of the thing its felf.required for the Promifi AVgiven unto this end and purpofe,that men might have a new bottom and Foundation of Obe'dience; that of the first Covenant being difannulled. Hence in thefollowing Explications of the Pro- mite, this condition of Obedience is exprelly added. So upon its renewall unto Abra- barn, God required that he should walk befiire him andbe upright. This Promif then, as it hath the nature ofaCovenant, including the Grace that God would thew unto fin- ners in the Meffiah, and the Obedience that he required from them, was from the the first giving of it, the foumdation of the Church, and the whole Worship of God therein. Unto this Church fo founded and built on this Covenant, andby the means thereofthe -Redeeming Mediatory Seed promifed therein, were allthe followingPromifes, and the Priviledges exhibited in them, given and annexed. Neither bath, or ever had any in- dividual Perfon, any Spiritual right unto, or intereft in any of thofe Promifes or Fri- viledges, whatever his outward condition were, but onlyby vertueof his Memberfbip in the 4