The Epqlle Dedicatory. me particular grounds for this confidence; andSuch ashave been prevalent againft thofe imprefsions of difcouragements, which I am naturally very liable toadmit of, and receive. Your CandidEfteem of fouie former Endeavours in this kind ( and which when carried without the Verge of thole Lines of Communication, within whole compafs men and their Writings are Judged by Party and fcarce otherwife, have received a fair acceptance in the world) were no final' encouragement unto me, not to defert thole wearifome Labours, which have no other Reward or End, but the furtherance of PublickGood; efpecially having this only way left me to ferve theWill of God,and the Intereft of the Church, in my Generation. It was allo through the countenance ofyour Favour, that this and force other Treatifes have receivedWarrant to pats freely into the world ; which though I am uncertain of what advantage they maybeunto any,.by reafon of their own defects, and the prejudicesof others; yet Iwant not thehigheft Security, that there is nothing in them tending to the leaft difadvantage unto thole, whofe concernment lyes in Peace and Truth in thefe Nations. For theTreatifes themfelves, which I defirehere- with to reprefent to force ofyour Leifure hours, I fhall not offend againft the PublickService, indetain-. ing you with an account of them. Their Subject Matter, asto its Weight,Worth and Mecefsity, will f eak for it Pelf; the main objects of our prefent Faith, and principal Foundationsof our future ex- pe Cations, our Pleas and Evidences for a bleffed Eternity, are here infifted on. And whether the A 7, Temptations»