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108 FORGIVENESS OF SIN. Gospel. Surely he bath not the Spirit, who would not have more of him, all of him that is promised by Christ. These things are the " hundred-fold " that Christ hath left us in the world, to counterpoise our sorrows and losses; and shall we be so foolish as to neglect our only abiding riches and treasures l In particular, it is the product of a vigorous, active faith; and that our faith should be such always, in every condition, I suppose it our duty to endeavor. Not only our comfort but our obedience also depends upon it. The more true faith, the more obedience. For all our obedience is the obe- dience of faith. The fruits of this assurance are the choicest actings of our souls towards God; as love, de- light, rejoicing in the Lord, peace, joy, and readiness to do, or suffer. In the ordinary dispensations of God towards us, it is also usually by our own negligence that we come short of this assurance. True, it depends in a peculiar man- ner on the sovereignty of God; he is as absolute in giv- ing peace to believers, as in giving grace to sinners. He creates light, and causes darkness, as he pleases. But yet, considering what promises are made to us, what encouragements are given us, what love and ten- derness there is in God to receive us, I cannot but con- clude, that ordinarily our own neglect is the cause of our coming short of this assurance. 2. It is further supposed in our proposition, that there is, or may be, a saving persuasion or discovery of for- giveness in God, where there is no assurance that our sins in particular are pardoned. " Who is among you that feareth -the Lord, and obeyeth the voice of his servant, that walketh in darkness, and bath no light l let him trust in the name of the Lord, and stayupon his God." Isaiah, 50 : 10. Here is the fear of the Lordand obedience, with a blessed encouragement to rest in God, yet no assurance, nor light, but darkness, and that walked in, or