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EVIDENCES OF FORGIVENESS. CHAPTER VIII. EVIDENCES OF FORGIVENESS continued. 141 We have considered the evidence that there is for- giveness in God, from the first promise ; the institution of sacrifices; and God's requiring repentance. IV. Let us then, as a fourth evidence of this truth, consider those, both under the Old Testament and the New, concerning whomwe have the greatest assurance that Gon FORGAVE THEIR SINS, and they are now in the enjoyment of him. This argument the apostle insists upon, and presses from numerous instances, Heb. 11. How many does he there reckon up, who of old obtained a good report, and had this testimony, that they pleased God. "All these inherited the promises through believ- ing ;" ver. 13 ; that is, obtained the forgiveness of sin. For as by nature they were children of wrath, and under the curse, without forgiveness, every one of themwould have continued in the state wherein Adam was when he heard the voice of God, and was afraid. Wherefore it being evident that some persons, in all generations, have enjoyed the friendship, love, and favor of God in this world, and at their departure out of it have entered into glory, it makes it evident that there is forgiveness of sin with him, without which these things could not be. Let us, like the apostle, mention some examples. Look to .flbraham; he was the friend of God, and walked with God; God made a solemn covenant with hirn, and takes it for his memorial throughout all genera- tions, that he is the God of Abraham: and he is doubt- less now at rest with God. Our Savior calls the place or condition into which blessed souls are gathered, " Abraham's bosom."