EVIDENCES OF FORGIVENESS. 199 down on the right hand of the Majesty on high." This is he who was sent. In nature he was glorious, even God over all, blessed for ever. In answerableness to the Father, the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person; possessed of all the same essen- tial properties with him; so that what we find in him, we may be assured is in the Father also; for he that hath seen him, hath seen the Father, who is in him. In power, omnipotent; for he hath made all things, and upholdeth all things, with an unspeakable facility, by the word of his power: in office, exalted over all; sit- ting at the right hand of the Majesty on high : in name, the mighty God, the everlasting Father; so that what- ever he came about, he will assuredly fulfil; for what should hinder this mighty One from perfecting his design l Here is a near and a particular object for faith to be exercised about, and to rest in. Wherefore did this glorious Son of God come and tabernacle amongst poor sinners'? We beheld the glory of the eternal Word, the glory of the only - begotten of the Father; and he was made flesh, and pitched his tabernacle amongst us. John, 1 : 14. To what end'? It was no other but to ac- complish the eternal counsel of peace towards sinners before mentioned, to procure for them, and to declare to them, the forgiveness of sin. And what greater as- surance can we have that there is forgiveness with God for us l Ile himself has told us, that giving an onlybegotten and beloved Son affords assured testi- mony of reality and sincerity in the thing that is con- firmed by it. So he says to Abraham, " Now I know that thou fearest God, seeing that thou hast not with- held thy son, thy only son, from me." Gen. 22 : 12. In this way it may be known, or no way. And there is a blessed conclusion that faith may make from this con. cideration : Now I know that there is forgiveness with