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202 FORGIVENESS OF 8Ifi. against sinners : it puts in its demand against our ac- quittance, and lays an obligation upon us to punish- ment : and God will not reject nor destroy his law : unless it be answered, there is no acceptance for sin- ners. This, therefore, in the next place, his death was designed unto : as he satisfied and made atonement by it unto justice, (which was the fountain, spring, and cause of the law,) so he fulfilled and answered the de- mands of the law, as it was an effect of the justice of God : so Rom. 8 : 3. He suffered in the likeness of sin- ful flesh, that the righteousness of the law might be ful- filled and answered. He answered the curse of the law when he was " made a curse for us," Gal. 3 : 13; and so became, as to the obedience of the law, " the end of the law for righteousness to them that believe." Rom. 10 : 3, 4. And as to the penalty that it threat- ened, he bore it, removed it, and took it out of the way. So bath he made way for forgiveness through the very heart of the law; it bath not one word to speak against the pardon of those who believe. But, Sinners are under the power of Satan; he lays a claim to them, and by what means shall they be rescued from his dominion 1 This also his death was designed to ac- complish : for as he was " manifested to destroy the works of the devil," 1 John, 3 : 8, so by " death he de- stroyed him that had the power of death," Heb. 2 : 14, that is, despoiled him of his power, destroyed his do- minion, took away his claim to sinners that believe. 5. Is this all? did his work cease in his death? did he do no more for securing the forgiveness of sins? Yes, he lives also after death for the saine end and pur- pose. The Son of God, in the nature which he assumed to expiate sin by death, lives again after death, to se- cure to us, and to complete the forgiveness of sins. Being raised from death, he evinces and testifies to us that he hath fully performed the work he undertook; for