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EVIDENCES OF FORGIVENESS. 203 had he not answered the guilt of sin by his death, he hadnever been raised from it. He also lives after death a mediatory life, to make intercession for us, that we may receive the forgiveness of sin, as also himself to give it to us. Thus, then, stands this matter; the Son of God was sent that mercy might have a way to exercise itself in forgiveness consistently with the righteousness and law of God. Now, here is the greatest work that God ever performed or ever will. It was the most eminent product of infinite wisdom, goodness, grace, and power. And herein do all the excellencies of God shine forth more gloriously than in all the works of his hands. Let us then wisely ponder and consider this matter; let us bring our own souls with their objections to this evi- dence, and see what exceptions we have to make against it. I know nothing will satisfy unbelief; its design is to make the soul find that to be so hereafter which it would persuade it of here, namely, that there is no for- giveness in God. And Satan, who cherishes this unbe- lief, knows full well that there is no forgiveness for those who will not believe that there is any. For it will, at the last day, be unto men according unto their faith or unbelief. He that believeth, and he that believeth not that there is forgiveness with God, shall each re- alize the same in his own experience. But what can be excepted against this evidence, the foundation of our faith in this matter l God hath not sent his Son in vain, which yet he must have done, as we have showed, had he not designed to manifest and exercise forgiveness towards sinners. Wherefore, to confirm our faith, let us search into these things in some particular inquiries. Question 1. Seeing the Son of God died, according to the determinate counsel and will of God, wherefore did he do so, and what aimed he at therein 1 ognswer. It is plain that he died for our sins, Rome