EVIDENCES OF FORGIVENESS. 205 work of making satisfaction for sin such as that any, the least part of it, can ever be undertaken by another. No- thing is more injurious or blasphemous against God and Christ, than the foolish imagination among the papists, of works satisfactory for the punishment due to sin, or any part of it ; or of their purgatory-pains expiating any remaining guilt after this life. This work, of making satisfaction for sin, is such as no creature in heaven or earth can put forth a hand unto. It was wholly com- mitted to the Son of God, who alone was able to under- take it, and who hath perfectly accomplished it. So that God now says, "Fury is not inme," Isa. 27 : 4; he that will lay hold on my strength, that he may have peace, he shall have peace. Qu. 5. Did the Lord Christ then go through with his undertaking 1 Or did he faint under it 1 Did he only tes- tify his love, and show his good-will forour deliverance 1 Or did he also effectually pursue it, and not faint until he had made a way for the exercise of forgiveness 1 .$ns. It was not possible that he should be detained by the pains of death. Acts, 2 : 24. He knew before- hand that he should be carried through his work, that he should not be forsaken in it, nor faint under it. Isa. 50 : 6-8. And God hath given this unquestionable evi- dence of his discharge of the debt of sin to the utmost, in that he was raised from the dead. For he that is given up to prison upon the sentence of the law for the debt of sin, shall not be freed until he have paid the ut- most farthing. This, therefore, he manifested himself to have done, by his resurrection from the dead. Qu. 6. What then is now become of him 1 Where is he, and what is he doing 1 Hath he done his work, and laid it aside 1 or doth he still continue to carry it on unto its perfection 1 ../Ins. It is true he was dead, but he is alive, and lives for ever ; and hath told us, that because he liveth we