WAITING ON COD. 377 in our translation to express his posture in prayer. But the word is of another import. It is diligently to look after that which is coming towards ,us, a looking-out after the accomplishment of our expectation. This is a part of waiting for God ; yea, as was said, the life of it, that which is principally intended in it. The prophet calls it his standing upon his watch-tower and watch- ing to see what God would speak to him, Hab. 2 : 1. namely, in answer to the prayer which he put up in his trouble. He is nowwaiting- in expectation of an answer from God. And this is that to which poor, weak, trem- bling sinners are so encouraged, " Strengthen the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees. Say unto them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not, behold your God will come." Isaiah, 35 : 3, 4. Weakness and discouragements are the effects of unbelief. These he would have removed with an expectation of the coming of God to the soul, according to the promise. And this I say belongs to the waiting of the soul in the condition described. Such a one expects that God will, in his season, manifest himself and his love to him, and give him an experimental sense of a blessed interest in for- giveness. And the accomplishment of this purpose and promise of God, he looks, out after continually. He will not despond and be heartless, but stir up and strengthen himself to a full expectation to have the desires of his soul satisfied in due time ; as we find David doing in places almost innumerable. This is the duty that in the first place is recom- mended to the soul which is persuaded that there is forgiveness with God, but sees not its own interest therein. Wait on the Lord. And it has two properties,