392 FORGIVENESS OF SIN. would quickly consume the whole creation, as now un- der the curse and sin, were it not for the interposing of Jesus Christ. 4. His glorious majesty, as the Ruler of all the world. Majesty relates to government, and it calls us to such an awe of him as renders our waiting for him comely and necessary. God's throne is said to be in heaven, and there principally do the glorious beams of his terrible majesty shine forth. But he has also made some repre- sentation of it on the earth, that we might learn to fear before him. Such was the appearance of his glory in the giving of the law, whereby he will judge the world, and condemn the transgressors of it, who obtain not an acquittance in the blood of Jesus Christ. See the de- scription of it in Exod. 19 : 16, 18. " So terrible was the sight hereof, that Moses himself said, I exceedingly fear and quake." Heb. 12 : 21.- And what effect it had upon all the people is declared, Exod. 20 : 18, 19. They were not able to bear it, although they had good assur- ance that it was for their benefit that he so drew nigh and manifested his glory to them. Are we not satisfied with our condition! cannot we wait under his present dispensations? Let us think how we may approach his presence, or stand before his glo- rious majesty. Will not the dread of his excellency fall upon us ? Will not his terror make us afraid'? Shall we not think his way best, and his time best, and that our duty is to be silent before him 2 And such mani- festation has he made of his glory, as the great Judge of all, on the throne, to sundry of the prophets; as to Isaiah, chap. 6 : 1 -4; to Ezekiel, chap. 1; to Daniel, chap. '7 : 9, 10; to John, Rev. 1. Read these places