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398 FORGIVENESS OF SIN. he who was conscious of his own integrity was only provoked and exasperated by their arguings, and stir- red up to plead his own uprightness. But this man, al- lowing him the plea of his integrity, calls him to the consideration of the greatness and sovereignty of God, against which there is no rising up. And to this God himself afterwards calls him. Deep and serious thoughts of God's sovereignty and absolute dominion or authority over all the works of his hands, are effectual means to bring the soul to this duty. Yea, this is that which we are to bring our souls to. Let us consider with whom we have to do; are not we and all our concerns in his hands, as the clay in the hand of the potter? and may he not do what he will with his own l shall we call him to an account ? is not what he does good and holy, because he does it? Do any repining thoughts against the works of God arise in our hearts 2 are any complaints ready to break out of our mouths? Let us lay our hands on our hearts, and our mouths in the dust, with thoughts of his great- ness and absolute sovereignty, and it will work our whole souls into a better frame. And this extends to the manner, time, and season of all things whatever. As in earthly things: if God will bring a dreadful judgment of fire upon a people, a na- tion : All! why must it be London 1 If on London, why so terrible, raging, and unconquerable 1 why the city, not the suburbs 1 why my house, not my neigh- bor's 1 why had such a one help, and I none 1 All these things are wholly to be referred to God's sovereign pleasure; there alone can the soul of man find rest and peace. It is so in spiritual dispensations also.