WAITING ON GOD. 405 perishing in their outward concerns as the ungodly and wicked, but must conclude that the righteous God, the Judge of all, has appointed another day wherein all things must be called over again, and every one then receive his final award, according as his works shall ap- pear to have been. Thus are we to humble ourselves to the righteousness with which the hand of God is al ways accompanied. His goodness and grace is also to be considered in all the works of his mighty hands. As there is no unrigh- teousness in him, so all is good and gracious; and what- ever there is in any trouble, of allay from the utmost wrath, is of mere goodness and grace. Thy houses are burnt, but perhaps thy goods are saved; is there no grace, no goodness therein l or perhaps thy substance also is consumed, but yet thy person is alive ; and should a living man complain l And say what thou wilt, this stroke is not hell, which thou hast deserved long ago ; yea, it may be a means of preventing thy going thither. So this also is accompanied with infinite goodness, pa- tience and mercy. And if the consideration will not quiet thy heart, take heed lest a worse thing befall thee. These things, amongst others, are we to consider in God, to lead our hearts to acquiescence in his will, sub- mission under his mighty hand, and a patient waiting for the issue. H. Consider our?, MEAN AND ABJECT CONDITION, and our infinite distance from Him with whom we have to do. When Abraham, the father of the faithful and friend of God, came to treat with him about his judgments, he does it with the acknowledgment of his condition that