426 FORGIVENESS OF SIN. ness indispensablyrequiring their destruction; so are the redemption and salvation of all that believe certain, be- cause there is forgiveness with him ; he is good and gracious, and ready to forgive; his goodness and grace require their salvation. And the conclusion is certain, on account of God's faithfulness in his promises. He bath promised, that those who wait on him shall not be ashamed; that their expectation shall not be disappoint- ed ; whence the conclusion is certain, that in his time and way they shall be redeemed. Observe also the extent of this deliverance or redemp-, tion : " Shall redeem Israel from all their iniquities." It was showed in the opening of the verse, that this word denotes either sin-procuring trouble, or trouble procured by sin; and there is a respect both to sin and its punishment: from both, from all of both kinds, God will redeem his Israel. Not this or that evil, this or that sin, but from all evil, all sin : he will take- all sin from their souls, and wipe all tears from their eyes. God is said to do this on many accounts. He does it on account of the great cause of all actual delivërance and redemption, the blood of Christ. He hash laid an assured foundation of the whole work ; the price of re- demption is paid, and they shall in due time enjoy the effects and fruits of it. And this is the actual communi- cation of the effects of that redemption to them. This is sure toall the elect of God, to his whole Israel. They shall all be made partakers of it. This is the end of all the promises of God, and of the grace and mercy promised in them ; namely, that they should be means to exhibit to believers that redemption which is pur- chased and prepared for them. This is done partially,