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HOPE IN THE LoanREDEMPTION. 429 shall redeem Israel." Let him, saith God, lay hold of my arm that he may have peace, and he shall have peace. Isaiah, 27:5. 6. Mercy given to them that wait on God shall, in the close and issue, be every way full and satisfying : " He shall redeem his people from all their iniquities." These propositions arise from the words as absolutely considered in themselves. If we mark their relation to the peculiar condition of the soul represented in this psalm, they will yet afford us the ensuing observations Observation 1. They who out of depths have by faith and waiting on God obtained mercy, or are supported in waiting for a sense of mercy and forgiveness, are fit- ted, and only they are fitted, to preach and declare grace and mercy to others. This was the case with the Psalm- ist. Upon emerging out of his own depths and straits, he declares the mercy and redemption, whereby he v.:is delivered, unto the whole Israel of God. Observation 2. A saving participation of grace and forgiveness leaves a deep impression of its fulness and excellency on the soul of a sinner; so was it here with the Psalmist. Having himself obtained forgiveness, he knows no bounds or measure, as it were, in extolling it. There is with God mercy, redemption, plenteous re- demption, redeeming from all iniquity ; I have found it so, and so will every one who shall believe it. THE END.